TRQ - really enjoyed this article. Largely (I assume) as you and I think similar things on this topic.

> Online anons can claim whatever

It is interesting though that you and I are anons, making claims about the possibilities of Game. We're just making traditional/"conservative" claims (I think you are neither but the claims you are making are both) about how and what leads to more opportunity with women.

I could be wrong, but I think you're talking about Krauser's Adventure Sex. And I think he says that "if there was a better way, we'd all be doing it." It's been a while, but I think Steve Jabba himself was doing Sugar Baby and "Salt Baby" stuff... I'm glad that era is mostly behind us. It was an uninspiring time.

> I have never gotten as good at game as I could have because I have never met anyone truly committed to reaching the top.

In some ways I agree. I never took any time off to do any of this "part time job of meeting women." I always did it along side career (now, more than ever, and it's really cut into the time chasing girls). I am currently hot on the idea that all the "jaunting" is counter-productive and "laddish."

But I think I have met so many guys committed to "reaching the top." I think Krauser is certainly one (never met face to face, but "I know him well"). You are another. Pancake is one of the most interesting cases I know of... he is someone that has taken the whole process infinitely farther than everyone else (I think he is so radically atypical thou, that I find his conclusions less interesting than less dedicated guys).

I am still "going further," but for me that was more about challenging myself in terms of leadership. And about taking sex much, much further than I thought was possible. And the topic if GRAVITY - which is about taking myself much more seriously, developing that sureity, and how that is what I want for myself and what the girls want to find in me.

I don' think I have gotten better at "pickup," but I think "the man doing the pickup" is much better than he was a year ago, or three years ago (when I was approaching a lot more).

If it is ultimately about MASCULINITY and the potential of polarity (agree completely there), then a lot of the work is done in relationships (and in bed) and doesn't scale that well... it's deep as much as "wide."

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>>It is interesting though that you and I are anons, making claims about the possibilities of Game. We're just making traditional/"conservative" claims (I think you are neither but the claims you are making are both) about how and what leads to more opportunity with women

Right, and I'm not running around claiming I've spent most of my life sleeping with super hot younger chicks... I've had some experiences with that, for sure (https://theredquest.substack.com/p/the-complete-story-of-ms-slav-one), but for most guys in real life game isn't easy. So when I see / read some of the more implausible claims... I wonder.

Anons have a lot to contribute. Brad P seems to have been mostly an online anon... https://theredquest.substack.com/p/brad-ps-dating-education-memoir-diary-of-a-pickup-artist-pua ... great memoir though. I've learned a ton through reading anons. RQ is an attempt to give back.

>>If it is ultimately about MASCULINITY and the potential of polarity (agree completely there), then a lot of the work is done in relationships (and in bed) and doesn't scale that well... it's deep as much as "wide."

Women sense masculinity... they also sense that the masculine guys are best equipped to take rejection gracefully (https://theredquest.substack.com/p/why-romantic-rejection-stings-evolved-psychology).

Interesting to see this come up in a comment, cause a guy in email was just saying, "You mention masculine identity twice but no links - have you written on that before? I searched but couldn't find anything."

I didn't have anything for him immediately, other than saying,

>>Don't think I've written about it directly, but I like the book KING WARRIOR MAGICIAN LOVER on the subject. I'm sure there are others, but none come to mind right now. I do think femininity gets "given" to women at or just after puberty, while masculinity has to be developed and cultivated. "Be a man" is an insult and exhortation, like "man up," etc., but no one says "woman up."

A lot of guys never learn masculine identity from their fathers / families, and online one sometimes sees a simulacrum of masculininity (just lift weights, or whatever... lifting is good, but it's not the _main_ thing). In real life, people recognize the real thing when they see it, and it can be manifested in a variety of forms.

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