The more women a guy talks to, the more entertaining the long tail of problems and stories
Look for the unusual experiences
Pay attention to players’ blogs long enough and you’ll notice that the most interesting, knowledgeable guys have seen a lot of edge cases, and tell their most interesting stories based on those edge cases. They’re like the doctors who have seen so many uncommon patients that hardly anything phases them, because they understand how many bizarre, freaky ways the human body can go wrong. Players have that same quality... the more women a guy talks to, the more entertaining the long tail of potential problems that crop up, and stories that resolve (or don’t) those problems. Some of mine are...
Low-cut top girl: first sex club experience, plus DRAMA. A couple guys have cited this as a favorite story cause it shows how to manage collisions.
One of the more unusual and objectively speaking stupid approaches I've done
Bringing an uncommonly high-openness girl into group sex and non-monogamy
There are others in the archives.
If you’re evaluating the quality of a guy’s thinking + advice, look out for the weirder, unexpected stories + experiences, which are the mark of a guy who’s been in the game. Any dude can write vague pickup stories that recombine elements of a million other guys’ field reports, almost like ChatGPT generating new material. And a lot of lays, especially with yes-girls, do look like one another... a lot of girls are predictable + similar. The true players, however, will run into weird situations that aren’t amenable to rehashes of other guys’ ideas.
Brad P's dating education memoir "Diary of a Pickup Artist (PUA)” does not read like every other guy’s field reports. It reads like a guy who has a particular set of skills and interests, and those skills and interests generate stories that are entertaining and educational because they’re not like every other guy’s.
NightRoller, for another example, went to Aella’s birthday gangbang and now he has some stories and reference experiences the average Joe does not. I’m not saying you, average Joe reader, need to get into the gangbangs of Internet microcelebrities... but when you’re out with a girl who is heavily r-selected, what are your best stories? What’s your version of peak experiences? I’m not a big fan of the gb format myself, though I’ve been in some… be the man who fulfills girls’ fantasies and you will see things that are normally known only to the secret society.
Like stolen valor, some guys will pretend to know the secret society without having actually participated. The guys who know the secret society will almost always evince that long tail of surprises + stories. By their words you shall know them.
Trying to run the seduction arts + game like a machine becomes boring after a while... at which point trying new things, things that are not optimal but are funny, becomes more appealing. Master one set of skills, and it’s time to move on to the next. Repeat until death… or until you exit the game, preferably via relationship, not loneliness and sterility.
The more experience you get, the more you realize that dating multiple women, having more sex—things you put on a pedestal in your mind before having abundance—aren’t that special in reality. It gets to be empty after a while and you crave peace more than validation from women.