Feb 10·edited Feb 10Liked by the red quest

>> Nevertheless, she feels that this is the sort of man who’s in her wheelhouse to get.

Clarky Khat exposed me to the recently viral hoe_math, who does have some useful videos explaining these subjects (with charts!)

>> Septum piercings aren’t attractive

I say the following not because it's (necessarily) true, but because it's funny and to beat @yoylo to the punch: "Septum means she f*cks on the first date"

>>how has social media made your in-person life better?

The only "social media" that's significantly helped my real life is LinkedIn---most are at best neutral, and Snapchat is one where it feels like I lose braincells every time I even think about it. Sad my GF uses it as her default, glad I convinced her to text off it.

Thanks for opening my horizons to check out Taraban, by the way.

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Mar 20Liked by the red quest

Thanks to RQ and Stephen for this article about the current state of the dating market. I thought it was a great summary.

About "opportunities for consensual non-monogamy in which a man maintains a stable of sex partners, provided he is high value and learns game"... yeah, been there and done that, and it can be a lot of fun. Highly recommended.

It is not good for society, though, when fewer people are having sex, in relationships, or getting married. Just look at the declining birth rate in rich countries.

I would like to point out that some of the details given here, like "6 figure salary (she’ll realistically accept 70-80K)" are US-centric... but the issues discussed apply to the entire western world (and even some other places like Korea and Japan, from what I have heard lately).

About age gap relationships, yes, those are the only ones worth doing, I believe. Who cares what other people think. Part of being a real man is pursuing what you believe in, regardless how popular it may be.

It's not just that scrolling on phones and playing video games is a massive time-waster. An added complication for men is that if you do not socialize regularly, in person, you become socially awkward...

And that's a big turn-off for the ladies.

I did hang out with a girl recently who made an effort to be “special” - as in being especially sexual and slutty, cooking/cleaning, giving back rubs and so on. Making herself indispensable. She had a good run, but... she turned out also to be crazy. It's a tough world out there!

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Mar 13Liked by the red quest

"" What’s more: despite whatever list of unreasonable demands a woman might have, if you can manage to be physically fit, well dressed, well groomed, and somewhat interesting to talk to, you can often convince her to settle for less than the fairytale checkbox her perceptions tell her to expect.""

This is bad advice for the long term relationship. The fact is, that if a woman is not head over heals in love with the man, She will end up feeling like she settled and she will be divorcing his ass in no time flat. All of my friends who married women that they had to work to get ended up being divorced. The friends that had the woman chasing him down are still married. If your girl is not hounding you day and night to get married, the relationship is in the long term, doomed

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