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Regarding "guys in pretty good shape escorting women considerably fatter and uglier"...

I think it is important to keep in mind that what makes men attractive to women is not the same as what makes women attractive to men.

For a female, her attractiveness to men is almost 100% defined by her face and body...

But what makes a man attractive to women is different.

Sure, face and body matters for men, too - but less so than most men think.

Other aspects can be just as important from a female perspective - like a man's confidence, resources, contacts, skills, logistics, etc.

A man can build up an amazing body in the gym - but still be a fiasco with women.

Unfortunately, because most people are egocentric they do not consider that what's important to others may be different from what is important to themselves.

(Which, by the way, might just explain all of the world's violent, intractable conflicts.)

Hence, when guys in pretty good shape are escorting women considerably fatter and uglier, it probably just means they are too much focused on one area that matters for dating... while failing to understand or appreciate the other areas that also matter. Which all comes down to negligence and a lack of interest in how the world actually works. Perhaps they are just getting what they deserve?

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