Around the web with the need for masculinity... and seduction skills
Being ineffective when most guys are ineffective
Jonathan Haidt says, “I’m Worried About the Boys, Too | I’ve spent years trying to understand the mental health crisis among teenage girls. But both sexes are suffering.” When boys and men suffer, no one cares... when women suffer, drop everything and give them some help!
Slut-onomics: How the scarcity of sluts tears the social fabric apart | Promiscuous women have always been in great demand. Slutshaming was a way for men to handle their limited supply. My view is different… I observe, and many women state, that most guys have abysmal fitness and nutrition habits, and worse game. A lot of women will be up for a lot of things, if it's pitched well to them, which most guys are incapable of doing. Most guys aren't learning how to be effective, so most guys stew in loserdom, or struggle to attract and maintain one woman. The number of guys who learn any real pickup is miniscule. It's too hard, takes too long etc. Kind of like how most people aren’t learning skills that will help them make more money or have important effects in the world, they’re browsing Instagram and watching TV instead.
Risk-Aversion Is Killing Romance | The most dangerous life is one that demands nothing of you. The more cowardly guys are, the greater the returns to cold-approach pickup. Cliches like “the only real risk is not taking risks” are true. If you’re a “man” who is too scared to pick up chicks, will chicks think you’re much good for anything else?
The Wall Street Journal on non-monogamy, |Polyamory: Lots of Sex, Even More Scheduling, Open relationships are having a moment. Who has time for this?| For a while I went through a phase where I’d post stuff about non-monogamy and write, “It’s happening. Are you ready?” Now I don’t feel like “it’s happening” so much as “it’s already happened.” My unusual angle / take, separate from what almost anyone else is talking about, is about how to be a seduction artist can do it. Almost no one involved in seduction artistry is talking about this, however.
Rob K Henderson on manhood / masculinity. I am pro-man, you can probably tell.
D.J. Caird’s game story. There are many parts, read them all.
The Married Girl in the Singles Pool, a field report by Drive City.
Wolfe’s 2023 year in review. Links to many of his FRs. Meta thoughts on the game. Consistent with some you’ve seen me discuss in RQ.
Beta-to-PUA’s 2014 year in review. Meta thoughts on the game.
|Why Taylor Swift's Relationship with Travis Kelce is Doomed | Then again, most celebrity couples are doomed, too.| Of course you are wondering why I post this kind of semi-r^tard shit, and the answer is the analytic dynamics, not whether one irrelevant celebrity with whom you have a parasocial relationship is fornicating with another celebrity with whom you have a parasocial relationship. The important points are a. what kind of person are you and b. what kinds of women are you dating.
Guys said the Swift-Kelce post is paywalled… annoying. So, the rationale / argument is essentially that relationships work when two people spend time together. They don't work when you have two high-powered people both of whom have spent decades putting themselves / their careers first and consequently spending a lot of time apart from each other. I think the author doesn’t address the other obvious point, that both Swift and Kelce have an endless array of the world's most attractive possible sex partners available to them (attractive along an array of dimensions), which is not great for long-term relationships.
Some of Night Roller’s end-of-year stories. Like a lot of guys whose results are choppy, he’d probably be better off with a girlfriend towards the top of his range than struggling to get girls from online, where many pictures lie.
Madd Monk’s lay report (LR) with a “Stush Princess.” I didn’t know what a “stush princess” is, either. Reading FRs shows that meeting girls in person is consistently better than meeting them online.
If you know of other things guys should read, send them.
Hi RQ, thanks for providing lots of reading material, info, resources, etc.
I especially enjoyed the DJ Caird material.