"The game" is interesting but ultimately shallow and a dead end. One of great example of a guy with great game but it was just a part and it served its purpose is Tucker Max.

Now he is not just PUA. He is a smart guy living life and made a success out if it. Game was part of it. But he never stopped at just that.

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I'd go beyond that and say it's very useful and important, whether learned implicitly or explicitly, but it can't be the be-all, end-all for most guys, and guys who try to make it their permanent lifelong art come to bad ends. Or maybe there is something underlying wrong with them, I don't know which way the correlation runs.

Tucker Max is now a LARPing conspiracy guy, I think?... don't think I'd cite him as an example of good evolution...

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Yep , precisely. Enough times passed that there are examples of real people and real consequences. Many men who also had something besides picking up chicks doing ok or better.

Heck many men who didn't have game but had something else are doing fine


Tucker Max is a successful writer, businessman , has 4( or 3 ) kids and not "larping" but living a homesteaders life.

E.g. he puts his money where his mouth is. Very respectable quality in man.

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I mean he's a successful bullshitter... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAbreeMofRg ... https://www.thewrap.com/curbed-la-corrects-9-year-old-tucker-max-story-this-reader-tip-was-a-hoax/ ... and if he wants to LARP being a farmer while spreading conspiracy theories, I guess that's a thing he can do...

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That was exactly my point. He went from the guy like that to what he is now. He is a very different man now.

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