There is a dynamic here that you touch on that I think soars over the heads of most guys.
People project what they think something is and wear it as a costume when they don't have it. Wealth, attraction, "coolness", whatever it may be.
I point to the way rappers project their image of wealth comparative to those that actually have it as am example.
Going back to seduction, it is very clear in the "Red Pill" space that there are many guys who are now "successful" with women only because they have had to compensate their lack of social intelligence with status. The moment they lose that status, they are back to square one.
Unfortunately, a lot of their advice is to do what they did and over compensate in a few areas to make up for this shortcoming. It is not practical for the average man: useless at best and harmful at worst.
There is a dynamic here that you touch on that I think soars over the heads of most guys.
People project what they think something is and wear it as a costume when they don't have it. Wealth, attraction, "coolness", whatever it may be.
I point to the way rappers project their image of wealth comparative to those that actually have it as am example.
Going back to seduction, it is very clear in the "Red Pill" space that there are many guys who are now "successful" with women only because they have had to compensate their lack of social intelligence with status. The moment they lose that status, they are back to square one.
Unfortunately, a lot of their advice is to do what they did and over compensate in a few areas to make up for this shortcoming. It is not practical for the average man: useless at best and harmful at worst.
Good post. Subscribed.