The Barbie movie came out recently. I didn’t see it.
However, even before it came out, girls were salivating to dress in pink and look pretty, as I observed with my buddy “Dean Moriarty” when I went to visit RedQuest and then out to a local hotspot. At least 8-10 girls walked in—ranging in quality from 7-9, with several 9s among the group—all dressed in pink dresses, skirts, crop tops, and other slutty, sultry attire. It was a glorious thing to see; unfortunately neither Dean nor I were able to make anything of it, though we did try.
A woman’s receptiveness for sex (and most other things) is almost entirely based on her emotional state, and these girls had been day drinking heavily prior to our arrival to the point where drinking turns from excitement and frivolity to tiredness, where the realization has come that the party’s over or ending. Not a great state to ply our skills, on top of the fact they were part of a group—the eternal challenge of night game, in that it’s difficult to isolate a girl from her group, let alone convince her to go somewhere to have sex with you. Even if she wants to, the other girls—whose connection to her is far more important than her connection to you—will attempt to prevent this positive outcome. Alas.1
The point, going back to Barbie, is that women are paradoxical and irrational—the modern woman especially so. She’s been fed nonsense her whole life about how women are horribly oppressed by the patriarchy and that continues to be the underlying message in movies like Barbie (my girlfriend said I wouldn’t have liked it for that reason)...and yet, millions of chicks went to see this movie, most of them dressed up in a slutty pink outfit, watching a movie about a toy doll who’s thin, has a great figure, and whose essential function is to play dress up and allow young girls to pretend to be adult women, which mostly consists of shopping for clothes with her friends in the hopes that her looks in these clothes will impress men who will buy them nice cars and homes and more clothes, etc. This continues today—IG and Tik-Tok are Barbie, individualized and actualized.
The irony is at least threefold:
As Rollo Tomassi and others have observed: to whatever extent the patriarchy now exists in 2023, it exists mostly because women prefer men with money and status. This isn’t the 1950s or a backwards Islamic society where women can’t work and are forced to marry a man in order to survive.
Post liberation and birth control pill, women can choose whatever sort of man they want to be with, and that seems mostly to depend on how good looking a guy is multiplied by how much game he has. He’ll need some modicum of social awareness and it helps to be employed, but the most desirable, beautiful women—those who are 18-28—will fuck a guy living with his parents as long as he is HAWT and has some game (and/or drugs).
The women who complain most about the patriarchy—the less desirable, older cohort beyond 28-30—would actually like more of it. There “aren’t enough marriageable men” they say, which mainstream media reports dutifully, but what does that mean? Precisely that there aren’t enough men who make more money and/or have more status than they do.
Like national politics, the modern man is best off simply ignoring all the noise when in pursuit of or in relationships with women. Some women will complain about the patriarchy, being objectified, and age gap relationships, and then go out in a tiny dress on Friday night specifically to be ogled by the collective male gaze, joke with their friends about an older “daddy” they’d like to fuck, and buy romance novels and watch movies where a mysterious man with incredible wealth and status sweeps an unsuspecting woman off her feet. It doesn’t make sense, and you shouldn’t try to make sense of it. Ignore everything she says and observe everything she does. A woman’s purpose is to attract high quality male attention and fuck until she gets pregnant.2 Ever eavesdropped on a group of single women out for “girl’s night”? What do they talk about? Men. And men are often talking about women. We’re here to achieve love and connection with other people, despite what the advertising industry tells you.
No one forces girls to post sexy pics of themselves on IG or do dance routines on Tik-Tok wearing next to nothing. They don’t have to. Their parents and siblings and families and boyfriends and employers would almost all universally prefer they didn’t. But they do! Why? Because that’s what women are programmed to do, just like men are programmed to try to gain wealth and status or do whatever else they can (like lift weights, have a low bodyfat, dress well, and learn game) to have a chance to fuck them. Because it’s the most fucking fun thing there is to do and scratches an itch that’s inherent and addictive! I can safely say that after nearly two years with a monogamous girlfriend: she’s great, I love fucking her, she loves me dearly…and yet, there is an excitement in my life that is gone and will be gone forever when the option to fuck other women is off the table.
Women want to be hot, get male attention, and fuck—preferably in the context of a relationship. That’s it. And to return to point #2 above: it mostly doesn’t matter how much money or status you have—you can have VERY little if you are in good shape, dress well, and have game. The hottest women you see on IG and Tik-Tok and at the club—they’ve all fucked a surfer, a guy who lives in a Sprinter van, the drummer in a band who never plays a single live show, or some other no-name, no-talent guy who did nothing other than be decent looking, have some game, and happen to be in the right place at the right time. Living the player lifestyle is the simple act of learning how to manufacture that situation with some level of consistency.
ChatGPT takes a prompt and then uses the language it finds on the internet to respond to the prompt. Women are similar when it comes to social and political messaging: if you prompt them with “patriarchy” they’ll get mad about it. If you prompt them with “daddy”, they’ll start thinking about the hot older married guy at work they want to fuck. It’s not about logic—it’s about stimulus. Frame the argument or discussion correctly and you’ve won, regardless of your “skill.” A woman in a tribe who didn’t worship the right Spirits would be killed when things went wrong—I mean hell, as late as the late 1600s people were killing women who were different enough to be suspected of witchcraft. It doesn’t have to be real or logical or make sense—it just has to be what the general thrust of society says is right/good.
Consider the recent trans-panic: Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, where people suddenly become convinced they’re trans or non-binary, is entirely made up—a product of social contagion. And part of the reason we know this is that the population affected is almost entirely female: women are far more susceptible to social pressure and trends than men are.
That some women think they’re oppressed and that “patriarchy” is in control of their lives is fairly obvious: they’re told about it constantly by our culture and many if not most people think it’s true—not just women. Like any group that is told they’re disadvantaged, or that they’re being discriminated against, people are likely to believe it. Life is hard. We spend the vast majority of our lives pursuing goals or circumstances we’re likely to never or rarely achieve, and working for someone else doing labor we’d rather not do left to our own devices. There’s an inherent suffering to living, but most people would much rather believe in a scapegoat than accept it as part of the deal—a disease which has found an audience on both left and right. Everyone wants to claim the mantle of victim. But most allegations of persecution or discrimination are entirely made up or vastly overblown: beyond the incredibly unequal circumstances people are born into, or the famines and fortunes due entirely to luck, people mostly reap what they sow.
A man who wants to be successful, especially with women, would do well to focus on sowing a productive crop and ignore the noise and nonsense that’s continually amplified by social media—and that includes just about everything you hear women complain about, whether that’s the patriarchy, age-gap relationships, the male gaze or anything else. It’s all an unintentional shit test that means nothing, because the next thing you know you’ll see her dressed up in pink going to Barbie, hoping to catch Ken’s eye.
Or Chad’s.
I’m also a lot fatter than I should be to try to get chicks of this caliber, and I have a girlfriend, but that’s not the point I want to make here.
Only now that there’s a pill, that will never happen until she decides it should.
Great post - question, is this Stephen aka Red Pill Dad? If so, what happened to the old url, I’ve noticed that the blog is down and domain listed for sale? Had some amazing articles/commentary on there, real pity that some of those articles seem to be lost to the Internet sands of time...