Around the web, with being healthy and being connected to others
A radical act, today: going outside and talking to people
* There is no such thing as “healthy” obesity. There is no healthy or safe amount of sugar. Guys who are serious about improving their seduction artistry are almost always also serious about their nutrition and fitness. People are, overwhelmingly, attracted to health and well-being, but the average person is overwhelmingly attracted to sugar and fast food, which are antithetical to health and well being. What’s most important to you? You answer that question every time you put something in your mouth. What time horizon are you operating on? In the next 10 seconds the sugar might be nice, but in the next day, week, year, and decade, the sugar, the bread, the white rice, etc. is weakening your game and health.
* This is not a link, but a comment... there is a part of me that yearns still to chase sluts, and another part of me that knows continuing to chase sluts will lead me only into the void. Like the Gollum/Sméagol distinction, there may not be a way to reconcile these desires over the short term. Hot sluts awaken in me the desire to practice seduction artistry, and to try to sleep with them. Seduction is a rush, but right now, for me, is it a wholesome rush, or a drug rush... the rush of snorted coke, or freshly pounded tequila, instead of the rush of the well-performed bench press? For a long time it was a wholesome rush, but that has changed.
Specific events that I prefer not to detail inspire these thoughts.
* Wolfe Daygame’s 2023 update, with stats and links to stories. Links to a bunch of his field reports. Wolfe emphasizes growth and learning over time, which is the mindset of a man who is trying to improve. If you think you can, you are probably right... if you think you cannot, you are right.
* The rising rate of male suicide. Guys need to learn the game and seduction artistry, and too many guys substitute video games for reality and don’t understand that social skills are skills that can and should be learned. We evolved to interact live and in person, and too much screen is antithetical to that. More time outside and more time with other people is good. The most interesting guys writing about seduction arts and male-female relations are always the guys who spend most of their time in the real world and a little bit of time telling everyone else what they’ve found. The worst guys almost always spend too much mistaking the digital world for reality. Women strongly prefer guys who are real-world effective.
* There’s a huge difference between guys who have the game and seduction skills to choose who they want to be with long term (and who can find another woman if need be) and guys who are in a relationship with a woman because they feel, often correctly, they can’t do any better.
* "The Key Logger" by Nicholas Jack. You will learn things. Dark things. Embrace the darkness but don’t be ruled by it.
* "How America Grew Bored With Love" and needs GAME. Without game, you will struggle.
* This is long but also super obvious, widely denied, and important,
“There is no greater truth teller than your physical appearance. Now, I’m not going to go full Greek here to present the idea that beautiful people are more virtuous than ugly people, because we can only get so jacked but no one can fix our face, but as far as what our BODY presents: it’s telling ALL of our secrets. There is no hiding behind a screen or an alias or some e-stats: our body presents to the world a sum of our habits. And that’s the thing: it’s HABITS. It’s the things we’re ALWAYS doing that the body shares with the world. If you absolutely crushed your last workout, and the 24 workouts prior to that were phoned in, your body is going to display those 24 workouts, not your last one. And expand that out to the micro level: if the ONLY physical greatness you achieve daily is a 1-2 hour workout, and you spend the next 22 hours being a slob, what do you imagine your body will present?
This is such common sense thing that NO ONE wants to acknowledge because it’s “unfair”, but your body doesn’t care about fair: it shares your secrets with the world. This is “being that which does”. A body that constants experience toil, suffering, and overcoming is going to outwardly reflect a being that suffers, toils and overcomes…and those beings are physically awesome. A body that constantly experiences leisure, comfort, and pleasure is going to reflect a being of leisure, comfort and pleasure. From there, it’s a question of ratios.”
Where I’m going to most disagree is that the writer speaks so highly of pain... “toil, suffering, and overcoming.” If you learn to like real food (not sugar and simple carbs), you’ll probably look pretty good.
From a game perspective, like I say above, every single edible thing you put in your mouth is a vote about whether you want to get laid or not. Large numbers of people vote “no” every day, at every meal. Semaglutide will help but is expensive over the short term.
* “Is France too sexy for the trans wars?” I hope so. So many hot French chicks, although I have read that the French are getting fatter... their hatred of working continues unabated, and their desire to take value from other people.
* Arguing that labor unions are immoral is too obvious, but this guy makes the argument.
* “We attract what we put out into the world” is one of these deep truths that I didn’t encounter for a long time, didn’t understand for a long time, and now wish that I’d known and internalized a long time ago.
* Philosophy Professor: ‘Don’t go to College! Become an Electrician.’
Majoring in engineering, healthcare, and related fields is still good, but... it has a point. Guys should also know that college is where the chicks are.
* Breeze’s stats in Latin America, and his game observations.
* Clarky Khat’s seduction blog Scaling the Mountain. He might be crazy (can’t tell yet), but it’s possible to be good-crazy. Keep an eye on this one.
* How Should I Know What to Text On Dating Apps? An Orientation to Start Your Own Text Framework for Beginners. That is one strategy.
* “Hardly anyone you know, including yourself, is prepared to live in actual ‘moving’ history.”
* More people is better than fewer. Embrace growth and reject the small-minded, incorrect thinking you will see masquerading as depth online.
The best way for a beautiful woman to say she likes Red Quest is by spreading her legs; for everyone else, there is a paid subscription.
Heh, so that's where all the views were coming from. I am actually very crazy on my own. Of course, I tone it down a ton in real life with people around. Makes sense that some of it leaks into my writing, but I kinda like that.
RQ, thanks for lots of great reading material.