Your life is a reflection of who you are
What does it say if you don't like what you see around you?
I read a guy’s post, I am not going to link to him, saying that, "Finding out women are brain dead, making me depressed." He says, "To me it seems that 99.9% of women are like semi-blind goldfish. It's like they have absolutely ZERO control or recognition of their emotions, they just react without thought." The first reply is equally wrong and says, "Dude you're not wrong, but you're not going to be fun and enjoy the moment with a cynical mindset. Most women do have the attention span and memory of a goldfish though." Not only is that dude wrong, he's probably low value, which is one reason he’s hanging out with the wrong women.
He might be deluded, too.
Women have a somewhat different value system, on average, than dudes, more based on emotion and feelings, and this guy is as blind to that somewhat different value system as most chicks are to the male value system of achievement. High-value, intelligent women do not like this guy, do not find him attractive, and outright avoid him. It's also possible that he's in a bad environment, like a rural area or a bad school, and he is surrounded by people who are not the intellectual cream. Most people who think they are smarter than everyone else, or smarter than all women, are in fact blind to their own actual intelligence.
If you think most women are brain dead there are two real possibilities (I'll discount the environmental possibility for now, because most people get into the environment they earn/deserve): 1. You are someone like Stephen Wolfram and working on Mathematica and you are a genius, in which case most people seem kind of dim (I have met geniuses, and I doubt many are on Reddit), or 2. You are stupid and blind yourself. The vast majority of people who think they are geniuses are wrong and fall into category 2. Even geniuses often lack sufficient theory of mind to understand what chicks want.
The same guy who wrote the thing I am referencing also uses a ton of run-on sentences and likely doesn't even know he’s using run-on sentences. Smart chicks will judge a man’s grammar, syntax, vocabulary, sentence structure, and idea depth. They’ll almost never tell a man he’s intellectually wanting… they’ll instead hang out with guys who they find intellectually appealing. Most of real life consists of silence versus engagement, not direct feedback.
Most guys are not sufficiently attuned to others to hear the feedback.
Everything you say and do reflects who you are. It’s very hard to fake being who you are, and most people who think they can fake who they are, can’t.
It's amazing how guys who aren't getting laid much and don't have high value, think women are dumb / mean / cruel / all whores / etc., vs. how guys who are getting laid and have high value don't think that. Value finds its own level. A low value guy will find his female equivalents.
Up your own level, up your own value, up the people you’re around. Chances are you can’t. Who then is the problem?
An article I can point to anytime I see someone in a group chat or someone I know talking about how “dumb” women are