You are part of "The Revolt of The Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium"
If you are reading this, you are part of the revolt the public and the crisis of authority and therefore you should read this book so you better understand your own role in events. Anyone reading this blog is learning about ideas that are almost entirely absent from mainstream culture. You're learning things that almost the entire educational edifice doesn't want you to do (the big exceptions being 1. evolutionary biology departments in universities, 2. masculine sports coaches and some strength and conditioning coaches, and 3. the very rare, independent thinker who happens to work in education and stays under the radar). Taken together, the peer-to-peer information system is roiling the entirety of the developed world. People are learning things from each other that newspaper editors and other mainstream sources would NEVER put in front of readers's eyes. Independent thinkers are able to put together ideas that wouldn't be possible otherwise (and the importance of networked independent thinkers, those who form chains of knowledge, I address at the very end).
Martin Gurri is an impressive writer and I have not synthesized all of his insights. He understand, "Eventually the thought dawned on me that information wasn't just raw material to exploit for analysis, but had a life and power of its own. Information had effects." What happens if you learn that the dominant narratives are WRONG? In game terms, that means understanding that feminism is a lie (it's not about equality (I support equality) but about special privileges), or that marriage makes men worse off? You pull one thread, and then a bunch of other threads come loose, and suddenly there is a bunch of bullshit that becomes obvious.
You read the Nassim Taleb books and learn that you are not the only one who is aware of bullshit.
You read evolutionary biology and realize that in today's climate, monogamy is improbable. You realize that DNA testing should be mandatory at birth. You realize the state, as it presently exists, exists to extract resources from working men in order to give those resources to women.
You realize women are attracted to physical characteristics, which most of society underplays (except when it matters for money: Aquaman is popular among women and gay men).
Even if you don't read evolutionary biology, you can read the books by Esther Perel, which target women, and realize that monogamy isn't working. What do you do then? What do you do when you realize that your sweetheart, who pledges her undying love to you, will get bored of you in two or five or at most ten years, then use Facebook to stray?
You realize she loves her smartphone better than she will ever love you. If someone forced her to choose between her phone and you, she'd choose the phone. You realize she's used her smartphone to send nudes many times.
You start to realize the civilization-enhancing lies that exist, that are woven throughout our lives.
You realize that anonymous advice by cads online is more useful for sex and dating than every movie you've ever seen or novel you've ever read. Why rely on the lie when you can mainline the truth? You realize that the amount of amateur porn out there reveals what women will happily do for men they're attracted to, for men they perceive as superior in status to themselves.
You realize schools exist to enrich themselves. They're still necessary for many people, but you become much more wary of them.
You realize you are just a consumer. You realize marketing is a lie. You realize chicks don't care about the kind of car you drive, and that you should have spent one-third as much money on the car you now slave at a job you don't like so you can afford that car. Why are you working the job you don't even like instead of flirting with women and having sex? Why are you working the job instead of reading a book? You've never really asked yourself those questions.
Bloggers, and in general all dabblers in digital communications, are often accused of insulting sacred things: presidents, religion, property rights, even the prerogatives of a democratic majority. They speak when there should be silence, and utter what should never be said. They trample on the sanctities, in the judgment of the great hierarchical institutions which for a century and a half have controlled, from the top down, authoritatively, the content of every public discussion.
This is an excellent reason to write a blog: so you can insult sacred things like feminism and the feminine imperative, while helping other guys improve their game. I would probably not be writing this right not if not for Krauser in particular. Many other guys have written on the game but no one, to my knowledge, has done so at his level of depth. His racism is despicable but his knowledge and ability to convey his knowledge is great.
Game is useful because it has immediate practical applicability. Guys can and should go test it for themselves. No reason to take my word for it, or Krauser's words, or the words of anyone in the side bar. Go try for yourself.
A third pattern [around the loss of traditional authority] would be the rise of alternative centers of authority. This is a corollary of the loss of monopoly. ... Each vital community formed by amateurs interested in an affair becomes a threat to the authority of the institutions.
The best authorities for sleeping with hot chicks are not found in universities or the conventional media. They're found online. Krauser, Nash, Yohami (if he ever gets a stable web presence) and a bunch of others are better authorities than all of literature, than any professor, than anyone writing for The New York Times or The Guardian. Even parts of Reddit are better for learning to have better sex with hotter chicks than traditional authorities. Alternative "centers" are rising, or have risen. There are other examples of this as well, but seeing as how I'm writing about f**king hot chicks, that's the one I'll focus on.
This is a great book for players, wannabe players, and anyone who looks at conventional culture, with its superficial "monogamy," and thinks, "This shit is busted." If you are writing online, you are part of the revolution. By historical standards, the revolution has happened fast.
This book, Revolt of the Public, reminds me of something written by the great Nassim Taleb:
It may be a banality that we need others for many things, but we need them far more than we realize, particularly for dignity and respect. Indeed, we have very few historical records of people who have achieved anything extraordinary without such peer validation—but we have the freedom to choose our peers. If we look at the history of ideas, we see schools of thought occasionally forming, producing unusual work unpopular outside the school. You hear about the Stoics, the Academic Skeptics, the Cynics, the Pyrrhonian Skeptics, the Essenes, the Surrealists, the Dadaists, the anarchists, the hippies, the fundamentalists. A school allows someone with unusual ideas with the remote possibility of a payoff to find company and create a microcosm from others.
It is almost impossible for someone operating totally alone to achieve as much as a small group working together. Peter Thiel says as much as well in his book about startup companies and the power of groups, Zero to One. The game writers are like a school or a small startup company, producing books, disseminating ideas, testing those ideas in the field, reporting back on which ones work. Early feminists didn't realize that, in unshackling sex from marriage and reproduction, they also created the conditions necessary for pickup artists. Now, modern feminists are miserable harpies, living in a world their mothers and grandmothers created, failing to realize that, when high-status men refuse to marry, the meaning of their own lives would disappear. If feminists realized this, they'd be unhappy about it. Feminists don't understand that normal women crave families and family life, yet feminists have succeeded in creating the legal and social conditions necessary to DESTROY family life.
Men have learned not to invest financially in women. A man should invest in himself, in his skills, in his gym, in his food (vegetables, nuts), in his nice boots, and NOT pour money into women, which is a way of turning off most modern women.
A man today with a $400 used laptop, discipline, and an Internet connection can change the world.
You are an important part of the game network and that is why I encourage you to write about your pickup and game adventures. You may disagree with me and I may disagree at times with you, but you are part of an underground movement that is important.
I am going to re-read this book.