"Women hardest hit." Also, don't get married.
"Women hardest hit" is another chapter in the great book of "don't get married."
One of the changes in the new tax law involves the tax status of alimony. Previously the payor (men) could deduct the money they pay in alimony, and the payee (women) would have it taxed as income. Starting with divorces commenced after Dec 31 2018, alimony payments will be treated like child support payments have been. Men won’t be able to deduct the amount they pay from their income, and women won’t have to pay taxes on alimony received.
You would expect that the pro divorce lobby (nearly everyone) would be cheering this enhancement to the cash and prizes we offer as a reward to women who don’t honor their wedding vows. However, the problem is ex husbands are already being bled white. It has gotten so bad that the parasite is now expressing concern for the host. All of the articles I could find on the subject object to the changes, not because they object to soaking men for women’s benefit, but because the change is seen as potentially hurting women.
If you are a man you are a wallet to the larger society. No one gives a shit about you except to the extent you can do something for them. You're disposable to most people and to the greater society. Marriage is just a way of giving a woman half your assets and future income.
Marriage made sense in the distant past but it makes no sense today. Want to have kids? Just have kids, get a DNA test, and skip the marriage. You'll still be liable for child support if/when your former partner gets restless, but at least you won't be hit up for alimony too.