Whoops. Last weekend. Backsliding in game.
Went to a private party two Saturday nights ago, intending to see some friends and leave. Said party was much larger than I thought it would be, with fewer people who I knew, but enough that I could do a lot of chitchat and set merges. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a woman I've f**ked a few times before, not recently (last time was two years ago?) and have also hung out with apart from f**king. She looks very good for her age, late 30s, with a high 7 body (must have been boy-slender while she was younger, so she has grown into her body, as some very thin chicks do) and a less-good high 5 / low 6 face. Her body looked very good in her lingerie bodysuit... we got around to talking, very close together, a lot of eye f**king, and then I asked if I could kiss her (necessary in that environment). She said yes and it progressed straightaway from there, into kissing, groping, me spanking her vigorously... despite some wrist/elbow problems, that I foolishly ignored in the moment, with her getting more and more into it, me getting more into it, moving her by her hair, having her go down on me to get me hard, then me bringing her onto a bed for a minute. It was very on, and we f**ked on the bed, then I put her on a spanking bench and really let rip.
I don't mean to brag, but I railed this girl harder than Amtrak. I also caught that mystical moment when you're pleasurably f**king the girl, you're totally engaged, but you're not moving too much towards orgasm and can control the flow. We probably f**ked hard. I believe she had one clitoral orgasm with her fingers, then, while she was on the spanking bench (not this sex bench but in the same neighborhood), and I felt off, and she then had a full-body g-spot vaginal orgasm. I think the spanking bench was key because she could relax the tension in her entire body and let her weight be distributed along her shins, knees, and torso, with just her p***y opening available at the end for me to rail. And I could hold her by the neck, hair, or hips... having her by the back of the neck seemed to do it for her, so I did that. Maybe she got a little bit of choking sensation from the weight.
I almost came from her clitoral orgasm, but I managed not to by slowing my speed and even holding still while she spasmed. Then, as her p***y began to relax again, I started going again. I asked her if it was too much and she said no, and sure enough I could not outlast her more intense orgasm. It felt like hours passed, but realistically it was probably like 10 minutes, maybe 13 - 15... 10 minutes of extreme exertion... not quite like sprinting (no one can sprint for 10 straight minutes), yet still enough to be physically exhausting. I know about the hours thing, because I have checked the tape and seen that what can feel like an hour turns out to be six minutes or something (chicks will also posit that we were at it for like an hour, but time stamps don't lie to either of us). I have even asked chicks... "How long was that?" "30 minutes." Then the tape shows that it was like 6 or 7 minutes... you cannot trust people on the subject of sex. Even if we don't mean to lie, we lie.
When this chick, I will call her Skinny Minnie, and I finished we lolled together for a while, very much in our own world. Other people instinctively and intelligently let us be. It felt like we were in that post-sex bonding high state for many hours, but, again, I'm sure it was in reality far shorter than that.
I admire women in the 35 - 50 range who haven't given up... there could be a lot more women who still have some sexual allure in that age range, but they don't because they love sugar, simple carbs, and drinking more than they love sex, sensuality, and connection. Obviously no 40 year old woman is going to be as attractive as a hot 20 year old woman, but many of them could still have something going for them if they weren't lazy and undisciplined. Saying this is like complaining about the weather, as I'm not going to change it, but my admiration for those who don't let themselves morph into jabba the hut and then blame it on their kid or their job has gone up.
I theorize that Skinny Minnie and I were just familiar enough with each other to have great sex, but not so familiar as to be bored. We'd just gotten over the unfamiliar to familiar line and could thus relax into the f**king. The only regret is the condom, though it was necessary given the circumstances. The great sex may have had nothing to do with familiar/defamiliar and it might just be one of those things that happens if you go at it enough times and keep honing your skills.
For someone who probably has annoying feminist political views and who probably hates children, I like Skinny Minnie a lot. Online life is disfiguring our ability to hang out, bond with other people, and not go into paroxysms of bullshit over every relatively minor political thing that happens. I'm talking to you too, angry Red Pill guys.
On Sunday (a little less than two weeks ago now), I went to a more sedate event... and this girl was there! Unbelievable. She was also there with another couple, who we met together. We talked some, but she has had some tumultuous life events and problems that I don't want to enumerate because they are very specific to her. I was so so hot for her at first... I have pictures that make you think she's a high 9 and pictures that could make you think she's a high 6. Angles and lighting, man. I was so hot for her when I first laid, and now I can barely remember why. Some chicks, when body and mind are very appealing to me, I can stay very attracted for a very long time (e.g. Short Dancer).
Strangely, I feel bad on the net about that weekend, because it moved me further away from my "long range" goals. I also ate a piece of bread and some pasta at the event on Sunday, against paleo principles... eating wrongly is interesting because a very small amount of wrong goes a very long way for me... when I have slipped in the past, I have felt substantially worse than I typically do, yet with very little slippage. I can't fathom the typical people (fatties, mostly) who eat all this sugar and feel like shit 98% of the time. That could explain why so many people are f**king c**ts.
I wasn't congruent between short term and long term goals. I can likely "get away" with it in some sense, but that is not a good way to think if you want to build lasting, purpose-driven relationships. Most people WILL notice incongruence over time. That is also the basis for some of my view in relationships with women, like, it is good to trust but verify... so you basically trust her, but if you have the opportunity, double check. She says she's with her best friend Tuesday night, so next time you see the friend, "Tell me about Tuesday." Does the best friend know what you mean right away?
She's working late, so you bring her a snack without warning... you walk in, drop it off quickly, and leave. Is she happy to see you? What's her body language like with her coworker? Etc. Is her behavior congruent with what she says? Contrary to what you read among angry Red Pillers, most women are pretty congruent, once they are established in a relationship. But it is also a good idea to keep the temperature of the congruence... is she suddenly developing new "guy friends?" Is her relationship first? Is what she wants and what you want the same? Does she say she wants a family but doesn't behave that way? Does she say she wants to party but you can tell she wants a family? These are all things to think about.
Then there are other forms of incongruence. Does she try to put on a smart/intelligent face but is actually dumb? Is she actually pretty smart but trying to appear dumb? Probably no one, myself included, is 100% consistent and congruent, but it is good to keep your eye on the gauges and note when one is out of whack. Smart chicks are of course doing the same to you, and if you are not living the way you say you are, she will notice.
I don't think very many people are hit blind, and without warning, about relationship break down...listen to your internal senses, without being paranoid, and run little spot checks, and you'll figure out what's up. People ignore what should attract their attention. It's true that there are a lot of social r^tards out there in the Internet, who can't do this, and then bad things happen to them... but most of us need to cultivate our own instincts. If we do that, many problems can be prevented or foreseen, and prepared for. Many men today also do not fundamentally understand that no relationships is automatically permanent... she can leave at any time... once you have internalized this idea, you will structure your life accordingly.
Skinny Minnie... she doesn't have the best face but her body is still doing well. There is another girl, I'll call her Blondie, who I slept with for a while four or five years ago... she was curvy (in a genuine, good way) with a flat stomach... not very bright but very attractive, very sexual. So good in bed. Probably a low 8. Maybe mid 8 (then). Now... high 5? Low 6? I saw her again recently, and she is one for whom the idea of the wall was invented. Shocking degradation, and without having had a kid, over a short period of time. Skinnie Minnie is older but has better discipline (I think) as well as a better body type for aging. Some girls also really know how to f**k and be f**ked, and Skinnie Minnie is one of them.
So that was the weekend before last. Last weekend (six days ago now), I went to a friend's party that had some elements similar to the prior weekend... but almost no one of interest. One pretty 22-year-old freak (which I like and say in a positive way) who doesn't shave under her arms (HUGE turnoff to me) was interested... I've run into her before... interest is low due to hair issue. It's a real shame because she's a solid high 7 if she shaves properly and normally. Watching an attractive woman sexually neuter herself is f**king painful.
Another woman was there who was I just not into... she's like 43 or 45 or something and is in not bad shape for her age, but to me she's just not of sexual interest. Drop five or seven years and I think she'd be in the acceptable ballpark. Another couple was asking me what I think of the woman, and I was like, "She's just not my type." They kept going, "Why?" I didn't want to say, "Too old and beat up," even though that's the answer... they know it, and I know it, and they know I know. Everyone knows why I wasn't interested, but in this atmosphere it's dangerous to admit, "I want the hot chicks not the other ones." Particularly for casual liaisons. I bet this woman was SMOKING hot when she was 22. She has nice interpersonal energy, bubbly personality, but I feel bad for her... no kids, still trying to make it happen, not getting there. Too many fatties at the party in general... almost all of them were the kind of people who make you think, "With a little bit of discipline and time in the gym you could raise your value a lot." Something that was true of both the men and the women, by the way. Too much of a freakshow for me, overall, although two of the guys there have basically set up a club/party ecosystem. It's not an easy way for it to happen, but I understand the appeal.
It's always funny to feel sexual energy and interest from a chick who is not of interest. As I ratcheted my sexual energy down, she ratcheted hers up. It's extremely rare for a genuinely attractive chick to move on me... I'm not sure it's ever happened... sure, sometimes they might hang around in proximity, that sort of thing.
If you get an unattractive woman hitting on you, it should remind you of what women have to go through... an unattractive woman is not a sexual threat to me. A chick may get unwanted attention from a guy who is 8 inches taller than her and outweighs her by 40+ pounds (not that common anymore because of how fat the average chick is, but let's assume this is for an attractive woman, as large chicks are their own man repellant).
This weekend I am going to lay low and focus on family things and the better relationship. I need to do that more consistently, but I am struggling more than I should between different desires. Magnum reviews the new Krauser book and it sounds like the book is covering some of the psychological territory I am in. I will write more about the book when I am done with it and will probably give my copy away.
One interesting thing is that over the course of my player journey, if I had one, I have gotten better at letting go of chicks who I am not so interested in, and letting go of chicks who are less interested in me. It has probably reduced the lay count quite a bit (fine with me), but it is a better way to live. I was more dogged at first, and there is a place for doggedness... but doggedness can degrade your psychology and make you not like chicks very much.
This has turned into a ramble, but my method for writing is to read some things or have some experiences and then reflect on them and what they mean. These are some recent experiences and some ideas on what they might mean.