Who counts and who doesn't in the game
A guy wants to know why I wrote that the two chicks from Tinder don't really count... I don't have a hard ruleset for who "counts," and the principles drift over time: for these two, one girl was hot but also kind of dopey, and I can't tell how much she liked me against how much she was trying to pump me for information about how to be a prostitute, while a real proper lay in my view has to be about two people who like each other, or like each other enough to f**k. I'm not convinced that I liked her enough, or she liked me enough, or that there wasn't some quasi-financial-informational value exchange going on... felt a little too much like consulting. I've also been on a couple dates in my life with younger chicks who were basically pumping me for career advice (if you go on enough dates with enough chicks, weird shit happens). It's possible that I could have kept with her longer, not done the "nuclear" version of asking her to do a sex club... maybe it would have developed. But she is not who I'm looking for, despite her being hot. I also didn't feel any connection and think she was the same, so why bother? She will drift off one way or another.
The other one wasn't hot enough and also I should have just quit beforehand.
What "hot enough" means is going to depend on the guy in question. For me... usually she's a high 6 at a minimum, more likely a 7. Honestly... 6s... some are "okay." I can work the right one, it depends on the girl, though... if she is a high 6, on the low 7 border... she might "count." On Tinder I couldn't even hit that standard, and most of the chicks liking me were 5s or below, way off my own internal standards.
Like, if I were having intercourse with 5s... I could do it all day... it's not really game... it's just SMV mis-match. It wouldn't be that much different from Keanu Reeves with 8s... he is a rich famous actor, so there is little "game" needed for him. He can just be. I could f**k a different fat chick every night, and, aside from wanting to kill myself before, during, and after, I could brag about all the chicks I'm getting because I'M SUCH AN ALPHA MALE HEAR ME ROAR.
"Who counts" also depends on where the guy is coming from... if you are a fat, video-game-playing f**kin idiot, and you manage to get a 4 or 5... that might "count" for you (even as you are working to improve yourself, right? right?). Depends on where you are... you want to be seeking chicks who are at the edge of your skills and abilities. If a low SMV guy is chasing 7+ chicks, he is probably signing up for loads of unpleasant rejection that may have psychological ramifications. This is also why I think you can safely ignore guys online writing about how all chicks are evil and bitches and on and on... chances are the guy is experiencing SMV mismatch. Same with chicks saying all guys are evil and assholes... chances are she's fat and experiencing SMV mismatch.
For me... 8+ chicks will NEVER be easy, not consistently... there aren't many, and I'm now outside of their most typical age ranges, in most cases. Sometimes I will be an 8's natural type and it will be easy, but that is uncommon. I doubt 8 are easy for most guys talking online, consciously thinking about the game, like deadlifting twice your weight is not easy for almost any guy. Guys who are naturally gettin 8+ chicks... they're probably not online.
Most guys online appear to exaggerate their achievements, god knows why as who really gives a f**k? It's also not a totally objective process... some of the best sexual chemistry I've had has not been with the objectively hottest chicks, though the correlation is strong.
I also think a lot of the guys who get their game together, drop out of the online conversation, because they have nothing to add... and the vast majority of the online conversation is newbies talking to each other. Nothing wrong with being a newbie, but you can only answer basic questions so many times before you're like, "dude, go read the background on this topic."