Where spinsters come from, "I would love to get married at some point"
In "where spinsters come from" series, this woman, who is already 32, gets a good place
Being single the past couple of years has made it easy for me to make decisions like picking up and moving to Europe. I enjoy the thrill of sleeping with someone new and I think more is more when it comes to sexual partners. That said, I would love to get married at some point in the next few years. But right now, I at least would like to form some genuine connections.
Packing up and moving to a foreign country, likely temporarily, is an awful place to develop the social structure and social life that encourages marriage. F**king randoms is great, and I've done it a lot, but it's also terrible prep for marriage, particularly for women. This woman has already passed her peak fertility level and thinks that some guy is going to come along to wife her up the day she's finally ready. Who knows, maybe some guy will (there are plenty of guys who will do dumb sh*t), but reading this is like watching a guy claim he's serious about getting in the game while he stuffs Doritos in his mouth and picks up the gaming system controller. Actions and stated beliefs/desires are very different.
It's kinda sad seeing delusion in action but it's also informative. She sounds like a right good time though. Guys who are interested in monogamy also have to remember that they're pushing against every female-centric clickbait website in the world that's pushing a "you go girl" and "f**k around" narrative.