What open relationships look like for a bottom, beta guy
"When a Boyfriend Joins the Marriage" is from the New York Times so it is about a bottom, beta guy in an "open" marriage (read: his wife directs everything). It's what the typical Red Pill guys think about open relationships, because they are imagining themselves in the bottom-guy position. I wrote "Open or poly relationships from the superior position or inferior position" to look at the issue from the top, alpha guy position. For top guy guys, open relationships can solve retention problems.
Top guys have different problems and don't get married. Or, if they do get married and their wife wants an outside lover, they get divorced.
It's also true that guys need to f**k their partners good. This story by a spinster, feminist writer is about her mom getting pregnant by a man the mom isn't married to, and how the feminist writer learns her actual father's identity. You may think this is another "All women are like that" story, but the mom isn't getting f**ked by her husband, and the husband consents to the mom living in New York City while he works upstate.
It looks like the husband is at fault as much as or more than the mom. He's not f**king her, so she finds someone else who will. Red Pill guys are overly eager to blame failed relationships on women. If you're a guy and in a relationship with a woman, you need to f**k her regularly and thoroughly, or she will legitimately look for affection somewhere else. I mentioned an occasional lover of mine who has a stronger libido than her husband's, and she is out looking for the sex she isn't getting at home. Same thing with Peaches.
Reciprocity is a two-way street. I would not put up with a woman who won't f**k me (barring legitimate medical problems). Women will not put up with a man not f**king them.
For every hot girl you see, chances are someone is f**king her. You might as well try to make you be the guy who is.