What flaking looks like from a woman's perspective
I like this series it seems that I'm doing on flaking from a woman's perspective. Many guys seem to have a bad or incorrect mental model of women's lived experience. Women can get dates or casual sex any time they want. So letting a particular date go is of no consequence, like with this chick.
8:30 p.m. Getting dressed for this date that I’m kind of dreading. We’ve already pushed it back and now I’m tired and don’t feel like having to be “on” to meet someone new.
9:30 p.m. I ride two stops on the subway and realize the bar he’s picked is going to take an hour to get to. I text him to let him know I just can’t do it tonight. He’s super understanding and we agree to meet later in the week.
2:10 p.m. Remember that I’m supposed to go on the rescheduled date with Hinge guy tonight. I text him and explain that I’m taking a step back from dating and focusing on myself. He’s surprisingly chill about it.
Of course, that actually means she's f**king a guy she likes. No one takes "a step back from dating" if they have an opportunity to date the man/woman of their dreams. Typically, a girl is f**king someone. You should try to make that someone you.
This guy is "chill," which is smart. If her main f**k buddy departs, he might get a random text saying they should "reconnect," etc.