Veering into the dark zone of female psychology
From the conclusion of a long dating saga:
She does like to be molested. It’s quite obvious.
Did she want me to push even harder? Did she want me to “take” her virginity. If she didn’t want it at the level of her “fore brain,” did she want it in an animal way… at the level of her “hind brain?”
I think she did. I have met girls like this, who can be can be very dangerous and who are also totally invisible to the modern feminist ethos, like so many truths about male-female polarity. Girls who say one thing, but want another. This is the sort of place even I don’t want to go, online, as it is too incendiary, but I'm drawing attention now because I've seen these girls happen, in real life.
It’s a part of the “Women don’t like responsibility or having to make choices” theme that I have written about... many women, maybe most, don’t want to be responsible for their sexual decisions, and some take that fundamental desire to be led further than they should. They emit these “invitations” to go “too far” in a way they are not responsible for. They put themselves into the situation where "it just happens," while later they will say, probably to themselves too, that they don't know how it happened. They go to the situation, only to be able to have some psychological ability to deny what happens, afterwards.
I have touched a little bit on these thoughts, and they are why why I don’t believe a lot of the stories women tell me, and I believe even less about the stories in the media. Usually there is complicity. Unacknowledged, of course. Chicks often don't understand their own psychologies... they can't... it's part of their evolved strategy.
This chick sounds like she is complicit and does not wish to take responsibility for what she does. She wants you to, and you alone. But that is very dangerous, probably unwise, in a foreign country, where you don’t know the justice system, where you don’t know that much about her family situations, etc., unless I missed part of the story (it is a very long story... in my view, Nash does too much texting, although I believe that it didn't matter in this case).
If you read books of women's sexual fantasies, like Nancy Friday's collections, you will find fantasies that are illegal, that include illegal elements. If you read romance novels, you will often find the same. In romance novels, the heroine is often "taken" and taken superficially "against her will..." but by a high-status, attractive man who will then pledge himself to her. That is an interesting element in porn made for and by women, an element that almost no one in mainstream culture talks about.
I do not advocate any of the ideas or strategies I am skirting here. I don't want to go here. It's too dark, especially for readers who are in a "cold" state.
Nash thinks my reading of the girl is wrong: "I don’t happen to think this is it. I believe that concept is true… but she wasn’t looking for 'deniability,' she was turned on me pushing her boundaries. That is a different phenomenon." He further says
I want to be careful that I don’t miss parts of this that are about me not being willing to pull the trigger… but with her, I think she was actually so young, she wasn’t quite ready. I believe that really was the first time she’d been in that position. I saw when she was genuinely close to fear. Not because I wasn’t being cool… but because it was so new.
And she was adjusting fast. Like her reaction to my cock the first time was close to panic. 2nd time, nervous avoidance. 3rd time… she was fascinated. That is a sexual learning curve.
He was there and I wasn't. But I know and have encountered the types of girls I describe, even if this girl isn't one. There is one other guy in the comments pushing in the dark direction I mention.