Truths rarely admitted: “There’s nothing more powerful in our culture than a beautiful woman”
Truths rarely admitted: “There’s nothing more powerful in our culture than a beautiful woman.” But it's coming from a gay guy, and gay guys, like comedians, can utter truths the rest of us will face a PC pillory for stating. Most gay guys aren't PC; they know sexual market value (SMW) too well to be PC. Most PC people will admit dark truths if they're stated correctly.
But there is more context
He said he feels enormous empathy for women who get frightened about their looks fading. “There’s nothing more powerful in our culture than a beautiful woman,” he said. But “it’s an unsustainable thing. One day it stops. And I have lived through it with so many female friends and part of my job is to imagine myself, the female version of myself, would I want to wear that? Where would I go in it? How would I feel in it? Would I feel vulnerable?”(Mr. Ford said if he were a woman, he would be Ali MacGraw.)
It is unsustainable. It fades fast. We name it "the wall" but you can name it whatever you want to name it. I feel bad for some of these women too... they might understand intellectually that it's coming, but they don't prepare for it and one day it BOOM hits them. A lot of guys online are pretty gleeful about that but I don't share their glee, as beauty is only slightly less fleeting than life itself.
Annoyingly, we don't get a link to the t-shirt mentioned
He used to tailor white T-shirts he bought at La Rinascente in Milan, but now he wears his own brand. “The cut of the sleeve has to be just right if you want your biceps to look right,” he said.
I did look around the Tom Ford website and clothes there are stupid expensive. Part of combining "Fashion and clothes for players" with Mr. Money Mustache is not spending stupid amounts of money on clothes. I still want to understand the cut of the sleeve thing.
Most fashion guys understand that the human social effect comes from successful attention to numerous details. Players who aren't naturals eventually learn the same.