"Truths About The Red Pill, Seduction And Why RP May Actually Be Hurting Your Success With Women."
"Truths About The Red Pill, Seduction And Why RP May Actually Be Hurting Your Success With Women." It's a post from a game blog I've only recently heard of. Don't believe everything you read, but it's an interesting post. He also links to a post I wrote and submitted to Reddit, "Ride a motorcycle—for fun, transport, and dating." A lot of the Reddit commentary was in fact bitchy and missed the point.
Notice how most guys are risk, adverse? They’re Alpha type guys (supposedly) but are afraid to get on a bike. Yes. It’s dangerous. Yes. It’s exhilarating. And it’s this exact quality of doing dangerous shit, getting into trouble and exploring the world that women fucking LOVE.
They love it.
But for the most part, it’s the artists that are able to live this type of life. Mr Tough Guy is probably not going to enjoy risk as much as the artist.
Only thing I disagree with here is that motorcycles are much less dangerous than commonly assumed. I don't ride on highways and am very conservative on it. Young, high-risk guys are attracted to motorcycles, making the data on them highly skewed.
Chicks LOVE going for motorcycle rides, especially on an electric bike with lots of torque. Chicks find being on the motorcycle... stimulating... for the reasons you would expect. It's a good idea to find a 4 - 10 mile route, with a good stop-off point halfway to two-thirds through. Stop there, take a kiss break while she's revved up from the ride, resume home.
He also has a memoir-type post, recounting his journey.