"Three Women" hamster, by Lisa Taddeo
"Three Women Hamster" is a better title, and it's a pretty Red Pill book... the upshot of the book's story is that women don't control themselves and aren't really responsible for their actions (men are responsible for women's actions, WTF?). Men are responsible for everything women do, including the things women want to deny, and are responsible for making women happy. It's kinda fascinating to read a woman who is (inadvertently?) arguing that women are irresponsible, so what they say and do can't be trusted. But that's how a lot of women in real life present themselves... think about every time you've heard a woman argue that "it doesn't count" for some reason or other. How the guys she dates are all dogs... "Do you ever hit on a guy overtly?" "No, ew, it's the guy's responsibility to make the first move." Meaning, all the moves...
I embrace that fact, but many guys who have bought into the feminism fed to us by the public school system do not, yet then they wonder why they have sub-par sex lives. "Three Women" is about three chicks: one of them, Maggie, f**ks her high school teacher and then regrets it later. Another is living with her loser husband, loses a bunch of weight, and starts an affair. The last one is/was hot (she is in her 40s?) and her husband likes group sex and especially her f**king other men.
The first chick, Maggie, is the least interesting because she is straightforward: she f**ks her high school teacher, regrets it years later, and then tries to imprison him and ruin his life, then blames him for her own life going poorly. Extremely bad female behavior, but not atypical either. This is a woman who should read Ayn Rand and actualize her own life, but she won't, not when there's a man to blame and a government to demand handouts from. The second one, Lina, is a woman with a husband who won't kiss her and has terrible sexual skills in general. Her story is also uninteresting because if you marry someone and won't f**k them or be intimate with them, they're going to go somewhere else for physical and emotional needs. And they should. If a man wrote a story about how his wife wouldn't kiss him and would only have reluctant duty sex with him, all smart guys would tell him to leave her or have affairs. Same situation here. Red Pill guys like to focus on bad female behavior but frequently bad female behavior is a response to bad male behavior.
So the only interesting one is Sloane, the supposedly hot woman, and she has her first threesome, with another chick and her husband, and she likes it, but then she's like,
Was it normal to like the rest, though? She couldn't tell too many people. Perhaps, she reasoned, the people she couldn't tell were the repressed ones and she was the healthy one. But none of the books she read and none of the television shows and films she enjoyed reflected that lifestyle.
If it doesn't exist in the media and someone else hasn't done it first, can it be done? Players learn that most women want to submit and be led, and most of the women in this book are typical of that tendency.
This is also why I think sex clubs are becoming more mainstream, as they're being depicted with greater frequency in the media. I meant to link this sooner, but a dumb thing about the reality TV show The Hills talks about how two characters are now in an open thing,
There was a lot of talk about Brody’s “lifestyle,” which turned out to be code for what Stephanie called his “famous open marriage.”
In another, Mischa was chatting with Kaitlynn, who turned out to have her own beef with Ashley, after Ashley (apparently) said that Kaitlynn and Brody shouldn’t have kids because of their open marriage. “She needs to learn to mind her own business,” Kaitlynn said.
Now, I don't give a f**k abou a Hills or anything reality-tv related, and neither should ANYONE reading this. It's total garbage... TV is garbage and reality tv is the garbage of garbage. BUT, importantly, chicks are now seeing, via their preferred medium (pablum TV), depictions of open relationships. That was nowhere ten years ago, and, for the guy working sex clubs into his game repertoire, the path is getting easier. Most people and especially women need models to achieve anything, and now those models are more readily available for basic chicks. This may be bad for civilization but it's good for players who want to f**k around a lot. We've decided, collectively, as a civilization, that individual self-fulfillment and pleasure are the highest and most important values that exist, higher than civilization itself, so we might as well behave accordingly (that's what hot chicks do... what they do, not always what they say).
Later on in Three Hamsters, Sloane reads 50 Shades of Grey (so cliche) and then she's cool with group sex. Since that book came out, lots of women have been writing about how it's cool to cheat on men... something men should remember before they sign the marriage contract. Back to Sloane, her preferences are for "bad boys, bassists, dark messy types who rode motorcycles." Standard Red Pill advice: "boredom = death." If you bore a chick you will probably not retain her.
I don't know why Sloane's husband likes watching her f**k other guys, but for some reason he does, maybe because he eroticizes the competition. Seems weird to me but I have run into it before and am only too happy to enjoy the fruits.
A lot of guys also get the basics wrong... with some of them, Sloane says, they "stink." It's right there on page 218. Guys in the game often emphasize basics... lifting, approach, BASIC grooming, not letting the opportunity pass, having a clean or at least uncluttered apartment. Think of every chick you've heard say, "He's cute, but a slob." "I left because his sheets smelled." Chicks are sensitive to these things and if you f**k them up, you will miss lays for no good reason. So many guys don't shower, don't use deodorant consistently, then they wonder why nothing's happening for them. This is why RP guys talk endlessly about the basics, cause so many guys are not doing the basics right. If you don't do the basics right, you cannot get to the advanced work. You cannot do calculus without algebra.
Naturally the guy she likes f**king best is already married, so then there's some stupid drama related to that. Yawn. Red Pill knowledge makes a lot of narrative fiction and nonfiction less exciting, cause you can see the woman's behavior patterns before she can... and you want her to think rationally instead of emotionally... but it doesn't happen.
If you read "Three Women" Hamster, you will be swimming against a tide of tedious female rationalization and second-guessing, which is annoying enough to hear from a woman whose rationalization and over-thinking can be paid for via sex in real life but is just ridiculous in a book. A whole book of hamstering, which is instead billed as women's deepest emotional thoughts, may be kind of boring, but it has moments and, if you wish to see the kind of endless emotional glop that goes on in a lot of women's heads, this book is a look into it.