"The Woman Searching for the Lust She Didn’t Have Before"
"The Woman Searching for the Lust She Didn’t Have Before" is more Red Pill advice, but from a woman... this one dumped her fiancé cause "He wanted to have kids right away, move to New Jersey, and just be basic and suburban together. He was a great guy but I would have died in that environment. I’m having so much fun now (more or less)." For chicks and relationships, "Boredom = death," a fact many guys fail to realize, and chicks just want to have "fun." Guys whose ideas of fun include security and basic provisioning are not attractive to the vast majority of chicks.
Simultaneously, this chick knows another woman, "She’s 40-something and still looking for 'Mr. Right.' I don’t see anything wrong with being single and 40 but I cannot imagine searching for the 'right' guy for 15 more fucking years. Life is too short for that!" Yet this chick is probably heading in that direction. Or who knows, she's going to end up being "poly." Whatever it is, there is an element of "as you sow, so you shall reap."
"I think how I really love when a man is strong and aggressive in his kissing. I’m not sure I need/want gentle and loving. I kind of want to be fucked and devoured." Very much what you've been reading about sex techniques in this blog, Red Coco's blog, etc., about how women like rough and dominant sex and if you're not doing that you're probably turning her off.
A lot of chicks, when you really really listen to them, are Red Pill. They just don't frame it the way Red Pill guys do. What chicks want and what guys really want to do fit together. The problem is that modern feminism and schools (feminist indoctrination camps) try to disable what people instinctually want... then people get in f**ked-up relationships that never really work.
It took me an incredibly long time to recognize the need for rough sex skills. That may be why an appreciable number of chicks prefer older guys, who have learned the ropes.