"The stripper with the sugar daddy"
"The stripper with the sugar daddy" is my version of the title... let's be real here, she's no computer scientist... she does have a typical alpha/beta boyfriend dynamic going on, though... "I’m leery of his avoidant attachment style but, like my weekend shifts at the club, the promise of pleasure lures me back again and again," the usual, honey...
I’m also beginning to realize I’m torn between A and B. B is reliable, empathetic, open, everything I am not used to in men — but deep down I know I am not as into him as he is into me. I find myself drawn to the 10,000-piece puzzle that is A. Even though he is evasive and maddeningly frustrating, I realize that I am in love with him.
It's like reading red pill fan fic... the boring guy is too boring for her, the exciting guy is exciting because he's unreliably available. With A, there's a little "accident,"
We go back to his place and fuck passionately for hours, in every position. I love making you come, he whispers, kissing the back of my neck. When he’s about to finish he asks, can I come in you, but I hear, can I come on you, and tell him of course. I am shocked when I feel myself getting filled with something. It’s been a long time since I let someone do that, for me it’s as intimate as it is risky.
B, however,
sends me a link to a playlist he’s made. I listen to it before work and realize it’s a love letter. I am flooded with conflicting emotions. He knows I dance and thinks its “fucking badass,” which is a rarity; he’s a feminist, a real one. We are compatible on so many levels but there is something missing for me.
She likes him but is an avoidant type herself... so B's statements of attraction to her turn her off... while A's distance turns her on. Different types women of women will be turned on by different things. This is not a chick who likes comfort or needs much of it. This is a chick who likes wild uncertainty. The more sexually open and fluid she is, the more likely she is to be turned on by game playing, hot-cold, push-pull, etc. Know your audience.
Finishing inside is a universal path to intimacy and connection, however.