The player's journey blog
The player's journey blog. If you're a player you should write one. It's been much more interesting than I would have thought, especially hearing from other players.
If you write online, your blog becomes a resume of sorts. When I hear from guys, part of what I'm always asking is, "Is this guy full of shit?" There's usually no way for me to tell from the initial contact. If he has a blog, that lets me quickly browse and try to figure out if he's full of shit or not. It's not totally clear and I'm sure some guys fake it (why bother though?)
Plus, sometimes I learn things.
I've also said before that the search traffic is a fantastic reason to start a blog. As of this moment, today 25 readers have come through search. I'm sure the majority glance and leave. But how many guys have showed up and had their eyes opened? If you look around you in your real life (you have one of those, yes?), you will notice how f**ked up most guys are. Most guys also lack the knowledge needed to change, the will to change, and the desire to change, but I like to think some readers are seeking the path and will eventually find the path. Then it becomes good to show others the way.
It is dangerous to let a blog replace the life (I have been slightly but noticeably guilty of that). So don't do that. But if you're a guy who has been thinking about starting, just do it, and give up if it doesn't work. I wrote a few things on Reddit, thinking that was all I had to say... then I wrote more... then I realized that Reddit is mostly for newbies... hit Wordpress... now Substack… and I have wasted far too much time doing this but I've also learned a lot about myself and heard from interesting other dudes so there's been substantial benefit as well.
Some of the most interesting conversations are happening privately but you won't get an invite to them without a public presence.
See as well “Write your player blog. It's an advertisement, but not in the way you think” for more on these themes. You are creating the world you live in.