The unexpected one from Feeld: she is a tourist from another country
Usually Feeld is only useful for couples: I've used it, on and off, for dates w/ other couples, and it's been fairly successful for that (see archives for some examples... Peaches came from there originally). Some "unicorns" (single, unattached girls open to sex with couples) show up, but they're pretty rare and I don't think I've had a real-life meet with a true unicorn from the app. Till now. Matched with a couple of unicorns, but I push the meet pretty quickly as I don't want to be anyone's penpal. This girl, I'm going to call her "Marcia," was planning to visit town and said so in her profile. She's surprisingly pretty (7) and interested in sexual exploration, and, most surprising of all, she shows up to the first date, after relatively minimal talk about sex clubs and how they work, as well as where she lives. On the first date she's put off that I didn't bring a girl, but I asked how many girls she's dated from online (zero) and then reminded her that girls are flakey as hell, and on the fly I told her that I often vet chicks. The last bit is not precisely true but true enough.
[I've been getting questions from players / wannabe players about how to start doing non-monogamy, and then I say, check the book, and they're like, what book? Not sure what's up with that, but it's in the side bar... don't be hapless.]
Back to the story: lots of talk about respective countries, what she's looking for, and lots of sex talk... given how we met, the sex talk was a given. She's not living in the biggest city in her country, which is likely a big barrier to good kink and non-monogamy communities. Pretty standard two-venue, two drinks at each venue, did the bang. Mid 7, mid 20s, not too exceptional, although young & thin is way too rare in the age of relentless sugar consumption. Next night, my threesome buddy was around, so we banged her pretty relentlessly together. He's been seeing a new girl for a while, and we double teamed her a while ago, but there wasn't a story in that one. Lately I feel like I've been picking up random lays here and there rather than having a consistent main chick, although that may change here... I may be finding my way out of the game... we shall see.
With Marica, the night after, we had a threesome with Ms. Slav, so Marcia got her girl-girl threesome too. She seemed pretty impressed that she expressed a desire for group sex and then... got group sex. I get her perspective, as most people, particularly women, can't execute anything. When I told Marcia that chicks are flakey and bad at planning, at first she denied, but after some back and forth where I challenged her on what women have made happen romantically in her life, she came around to agreeing. Night after I rested, night after that I took her to a sex club w/ Ms. Slav and others, and did a nice swap with a pretty blonde girl whose boyfriend seemed very happy to be f**king a new girl. I was pretty beat by the end.
This happened a while ago... I wrote most of this story, then didn't get around to posting. Marcia did get what she wanted in the form of sexual experimentation (she'd mentioned it in her original profile). She seemed happy to see me and amazed at what's possible. I think she can get sex positivity and kink from her home country, just not from where she is living.
Overall it was a positive experience for both of us, but it is not a very repeatable experience because Feeld works best for couple-to-couple dating. Many couples on it are seeking unicorns (I will snag one if I see one, which I don't very often) but I get the sense that the unicorn thing almost never works out. Doesn't stop people from trying, though.
It's useful to distinguish between attainable, repeatable strategies versus weird one-offs. Many guys online focus on daygame because it's attainable and repeatable. Advice like, "Just become a famous actor or musician" may be repeatable, but it's not attainable. Guys who get ecosystems going (like being in a cool local band) may have systems that are repeatable, but not useful for a guy with zero inclination towards music. Non-monogamy systems like Feeld or SDC can work for guys with one decently hot chick and who are seeking others but will probably not work for a guy without a chick. You have to have the first chick, like you can't do nuclear fission without a high element like uranium.
But if you, the player, are out trying various things, various angles, sometimes you will get a good some random lays, as happened to me here, from unexpected sources. It does seem like non-monogamy is more popular than it used to be, and that, for guys having casual sex with multiple women, there is little reason not to attempt this. Since the girl you're casually f**king is likely casually f**king other guys anyway, why not make that impulse work for you?
It seems average people, even average players, don't understand how powerful the non-monogamy thing can be. I have this system set up, where I can pretty much (not perfectly) deliver on many women's deepest fantasies. This chick Marcia came along and discovered that I can make things happen that other guys can't make happen... pretty cool if you think about it. Other players can also layer the non-monogamy network on top of the rest of their game.
Marica learned a lot about how non-monogamy works, and I explained to her that for a lot of people the hardest part is not jealousy, it's not the things that people typically expect... it's time management.
I have been seeing some of Ms. Slav, just not that much. Enough to keep the demons at bay, but in some ways I feel a little stupid about Ms. Slav, like I brought fresh meat to the village and haven't gotten enough credit for it... or enough of the meat. Doesn't matter much now, but it's a feeling I've been having... maybe I'm turning into a chick, but I'm trying to pay more attention to how I feel, rather than just what I do and how effective I am at doing it.
It's kind of a weird sensation. Is this how chicks live? No wonder they can't get shit done. Intellectually, I know that Ms. Slav and I had an implicit deal and I have more or less held up my side and despite some flakiness from her she has actually more or less held up her side. A chick like her is why some guys go to the sex clubs and parties... they will occasionally get a free lunch, a young hot chick who just loves to f**k, and that is her. Right place, right time, you can get what you came for. Pretty unusual, but not impossible. Everything I have seen in this world reaffirms the idea that there are no shortcuts, even as I keep looking for them, wanting them to exist. Pointless, really. Marica was a sort of shortcut, but one who comes along so rarely that there is no point is seeking other chicks like her.
I think Marica might genuinely have flown across an ocean to attempt to have casual group sex experiences. Seems like a damn long way to go. She seems a little unimaginative... like those travel bores who are droning on about where they went and what they ate, but have zero insight and seem to have set fire to a bunch of money so they can tell their friends they once went to Italy. Right after I finished this post, I read a tweet (sorry, didn't keep track of the author), "When you ask a girl to describe how a particular experience made her feel and she replies with 'i dunno, why are you asking this, that's weird,' you'll know you've arrived in re/tard land." Marcia is not in re/tard land... but she's also living not too far from the border.
I feel kind of tired of chasing down chicks for sex who aren't that good... I know that the smart thing to do is to keep chasing, but be more discriminating... I don't know, though, as I've been thinking about some of the really top chicks in my life, and there just aren't that many of them. I have a much darker view of humanity in general than I used to. A lot of people just seem kid of worthless. That makes me wonder, though, does someone who is like 20 IQ points above me, who has achieved far more than me, look at me and think I'm kind of worthless? For some people, that could be a legitimate view. I read biographies of some of the real greats, especially in science, math, and engineering, and it's like, "These guys were doing shit beyond anything I can even attempt." This is not a terribly productive line of thought, but sometimes dark thoughts help us better orient ourselves toward the future.