"The Intern Who Doesn’t Have Time for Real Dates"
"The Intern Who Doesn’t Have Time for Real Dates" is a story about a dumb girl, one who is trying to get a job in a dying industry, or an industry shrinking, if not to the point of death, then substantially along the way towards death. Real journalist use Substack. How's she going to make it? By subsidizing her earrings with sex work. Smart girls, they do not try to become journalists, "I just graduated from college and moved to New York for an editorial internship. It’s my dream magazine internship, but I landed it just a little too late. Student loans are going to kick in soon. I need a real job. And a sugar daddy" Smart girls don't try this in 2018. Or 2019. Smart girls get jobs in real industries.
So she is being a sex worker. For the player, I see this,
I make plans to meet up with another guy from Seeking Arrangement on Wednesday after work. JP is young, only 36, which makes me nervous. I don’t trust the ones under 40. They usually try to just use the app like Tinder. But JP agrees to $600 per meet, which seems to be the going rate.
as interesting. Does Seeking Arrangements (SA) work like Tinder? I would have assumed, "No." Can any players report back on whether SA can be used as a non-prostitution dating platform?
Also, $600 per meet seems crazy. Are guys willing to pay so much?
She is simultaneously doing regular online dating and sex work. Is this normal, now? I think not. I could be wrong. I think there is something wrong with this girl,
M gives me $700 in cash. Before I leave he asks if I want a hug. To my surprise, I do. He is still fully naked, but there is nothing sexual in his embrace. Hugging this stranger, crying, I realize I don’t remember the last time I was held.
Guys should hold the chick after sex, in my view, even for one-nighters. Most chicks need it. It will be a better experience for both of you, if you do this, even if you're tired, even if you're not that into the chick. Try to create win-win, and try to win and help win.
(If she is mean, cruel, or something else seriously wrong with her... a guy doesn't need to do this... but it's a good idea to figure that out BEFORE you f**k her.)
This chick is likely going to need to make some serious life alterations. A girl with a messed-up work life typically has a mess-up real life too, past a certain age, anyway. She's 21, so wanting to be in media is okay because she is so young. By 24/25, though, she should be in a more intelligent job situation:
News of media-industry layoffs keeps breaking. The reality that I am taking massive risks to enter an industry that regularly fucks over even established, talented professionals is getting harder to ignore.
That, honey, is the sound of the market telling you to go get another job. Doesn't matter how much you want this one. Are you willing to listen? People who don't listen to the market, suffer. Life is full of suffering, and pointless suffering so you can become a "journalist" (a fake profession today, mostly) is dumb.