The dark side of denial and dishonesty about women
I feel a lot of ambivalence towards this skeevy story, Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year, cause the authors get some of the story, but it's a story about dishonesty and dishonest people, and yet the authors are dishonest too. How? The guys running this supposed teen modeling show thing are obviously just trying to get sex, but they're putting on this dishonest veneer of modeling to lure chicks in. The "models" are dishonest: they're trying to get money and their big break and pretending not to be basically selling sex, which is what all supposed "models" do. The authors are dishonest by pretending not to know that men and women are different, and pretending that no one understands what's really going on, when almost everyone involved does. Everyone is lying to everyone, all the way down. The readers are pretending to be interested in justice when they're mostly interested in prurient stories about beautiful teen girls (a topic of eternal interest to just about everyone).
The "men and women are different" thing is shunted away from most teens by our society and education system, despite its obviousness... men want more sex with more different women than women want with men, and most women want it with men around their own age (some women also like much older men, while almost none like younger men). We're unwilling as a society and culture to say, "men and women are different" and then to teach girls how... most attractive women realize that almost all straight men want to have sex with them, and would if there was a way to do so. This power intoxicates many women and frightens others. Most learn to accept it, and rue the day it departs. The teen "models" in the story are probably not stupid and understand the dynamic on some level.
A lot of the "models" in that story... had probably absorbed the wrong story that we present... unless their parents (more likely parent) told them the truth, as most parents don't. Not directly. The lie that "men and women are exactly the same and want the same thing" is most dangerous to younger but post-puberty teens, who often don't really understand that they may be desirable to many men... have you ever seen or heard a fight between a girl and her parents, with the parents saying, "Don't go out in that," and the girl saying, "It's fashionable and I'll do what I want, f**k you"? The parent is really saying, "You are sending sexual signals to adult men and they may respond," and the girl is either saying, "I'm not really doing that" (she is), or she is saying, "I want to be sending out sexual signals so I can get the attention those signals bring." And maybe more. The parent doesn't want his or her daughter coming back pregnant by some guy who disappears. Few parents will simply say, "You're sending out intensely sexual signals, are you really ready for the male response you're going to get?"
The parent-child misdirection is a lot like the misdirection in the "Teen models" story, where the guys are misdirecting what they're doing (trying to have sex with young chicks) and the girls are misdirecting what they're doing (trying to trade sex appeal for money) and the parents are often misdirecting what they're doing ("this is a great economic opportunity..." the economic opportunity of trading attractive and sex for money has a name... I am not opposed to this business but let's be real about it is, why don't we?). The story authors hate Trump. I am not a Trump guy but I am a reality guy... and there is too little reality in this story, and Trump being a poor president and bad person is not important to dynamics in the teen models story.
The thing is... a lot of young girls are ignorant and their society and parents (often parent, no dad in the picture) have made them ignorant... I know from talking to the 18 - 22 year old models in particular... chop off a couple years and the ignorance is more profound. Parents aren't doing their jobs. Education institutions aren't doing their jobs. In a world of bulls**t, to speak the rare truth is a profound act.
These media hit pieces never stop to look a little bit deeper and to think a little bit more deeply and cross culturally. One book, by a woman named Judith Levine, a journalist, was totally controversial and no one wants to talk about it, least of all the writers. Age of consent varies wildly by time and place... take Rome,
The age of lawful consent to a marriage was 12 for girls and 14 for boys. Most Roman women seem to have married in their late teens to early twenties, but noble women married younger than those of the lower classes, and an aristocratic girl was expected to be virgin until her first marriage.
Most of you have probably not noticed that I haven't been making a "right" or "wrong" argument in this piece, except to say that subterfuge is wrong, and we should be more honest about our intent. That's my normative claim. "Honesty" includes the authors of that teen models story, who can't come out and say that men and women are different and women need protection from carnal males, which is what they're getting at. Their feminist indoctrination has them tied up... "men and women are always equal" on the one hand but also "women need special protections," like religious Christians would say, on the other. They can try to make women the "victims," however, because feminism also holds that all women are oppressed... and frightened lambs... who are subject to those big bad males luring them into temptation... does that remind you of anything, like Christianity?
I dunno. I read this story and think that there is a lot of blame and bad behavior to go around, and there is also a lot denial. There are also some girls from a surprisingly young age who are locked and loaded and ready for sex. I know cause I've met the adult versions of them, who tell me what they were like at young ages. I'm not nearly as sex-negative as most of the society. I'm aware that our current ideology and culture finds that Women don’t think that women can make adult decisions and be held accountable for those decisions. Then feminists are all like, "why aren't women taken seriously at the upper echelons of corporations?!?"... they can't imagine their own rhetoric and positioning has anything to do with it. Almost no one will ask what age of consent laws are really doing, or ask why it's cool to prosecute male teens as adults for many crimes while announcing female teens are children when it comes to sex. Kinda weird when you think about it, right? But we don't need to think about it... we just need to write that Trump is bad.
There is no real takeaway from my writing here. I think that taking these girls away from their families and their sources of strength/protection is bad. I don't like all the subterfuge: obviously, the guys running these programs are trolling for sex and have set up a system to attempt to acquire it. I feel bad for the young chicks who genuinely don't know what's going on. Some of them probably really don't because they're young and naive. Their parents and teachers don't level with them. It's like giving a 15 year old boy a million dollars... how many 15 year old boys are going to be responsible with that cash? Not too many.
If you present as an adult... people will often treat you as an adult... whether you're a woman, running a consulting company, whatever. If you present as a kid you will be treated like a kid. Presenting as an adult leads to entry, maybe premature entry, into the adult world... it is not smart for teen boys to talk s**t to adult men, although some do... it is a choice that can be made for teen girls to present as adults... but no one levels with them about making that choice. I don't think much is going to change this dynamic. The historical and cultural forces supporting bulls**t are too strong. Feminists like having legal and cultural cudgels to hit men with. Parents want kids who are docile and not emotionally distraught because of erotic energies. Women want agency for the good things, like getting better jobs, and want to be victims for other things. It is very rare for women in public life to admit this dynamic... someone like Camille Paglia does... but she is a rare bird, one easily ignored by journalists, who have great capacity for self-delusion.
In Europe they admit that sex is a normal, healthy, and positive part of life, instead of pursuing the bizarre circumlocutions that we see from Americans and especially American journalists. It turns out that anon writers know more than most "journalists" about many subjects. Journalism and media relentlessly lay claim to difference and diversity, but the minute anyone is actually different and diverse, they're attacked.