"The cost of sexual liberation" for women
"The cost of sexual liberation" for women fits right into the player dynamics commonly discussed around here, my favorite bit is…
Meanwhile, the female sexual emancipation Greer pursued has delivered a bonanza for every live-in-the-moment modern-day Dean Moriarty with the looks to enjoy it. In the world of online dating, sex is even more abundant than it was for Dean Moriarty: one twentysomething friend tells me that “photogenic” male friends find female attention so abundant that some are “quite sick of the attention.”
The agency of women is little discussed, of course… if women wanted to, they could choose steady, reliable guys instead of exciting players. They don't, though, not at least until the "epiphany stage" that Rollo Tomassi writes about. Women love competing for hot, high-status men... any time an individual woman decides not to do that, she'll avoid the "Dean Moriarty" men (no idea who Dean Moriarty was).
As a young teen I remembered hearing older people say that girls want a "nice, good" guy who will take care of them. This troubled me, because everyday life readily demonstrated that girls liked jerks and jocks (not much has changed between then and now). Guys interested in pickup and being players reconcile what is commonly said about women's desires with what (and who) real, live women do. Women strongly prefer hot, tall, exciting guys. This is observation, not value judgment. Most of us have seen how women behave around men they find hot.
It's still (somehow) amazing to me that the top things a guy can do to sleep with more women are work out, practice his social skills, and get a gig like bartending. Hot women prefer buff guys with social skills over the guys building civilization and society. At one point in the development of civilization, I think there was a higher degree of consilience between "guys building civilization and able to care for women and children" and "guys women sleep with." Today that consilience is mostly absent. That may be bad, but top guys can f**k an unbelievable number of attractive chicks. Speaking of that, I need to go deadlift and do shrugs, stop pussyfooting around on the keyboard. Some chads are born, many are made.
In human sexuality, women are collectively the choosers, men the chosen. Who women choose speaks to them. Every hot woman has a phone full of guys who'll wife her up, but she doesn't want them. I've been both the guy she wants and the guy she doesn't. I know which is better.
As men, we can study the mechanism that is female biology and psychology and figure out how to access more of what we want. That is the game. Welcome.