Surprised by indifference. Guys can flake too.
Flaked out on Ms. Slav again this weekend. I think she's surprised by indifference and by the speed with which replacement happens, or has happened, to her... she used to being the queen, the one chased, the one with all the options, and then she runs into me. Don't get me wrong, I like her a lot. We talked on the phone and danced around the subject. She's so used to being chased that when a guy (me) doesn't chase her as she expects him to, she's uncertain. I'm pretty sure she expected the "primary partner" conversation to go differently than it did, as she's used to tooling guys.
I've written quite a bit about reciprocity and I really mean what I wrote: she became less regular and flakier, and I've done the same, in about the same proportion, with her... I'm highly sensitized to female bad behavior. Even small amounts of it trigger defense mechanisms in me, defense mechanisms I've learned the hard way. Like the way I've learned that "Attention is the only tool modern men have," which is probably the most important thing I've written, and the one it seems many guys have the hardest time implementing. Another way of using attention properly is to follow tit-for-tat after the first couple lays. This strategy is not as good for the very beginning parts of a relationship, when the guy typically has to do more work.
Previously, regarding Ms. Slav, I wrote that I'm unaccustomed to being in the inferior part of the relationship, and I think she is the same. She's used to being chased. She's used to having guys adapt their schedules to her, as I used to, and don't anymore. She has many stories of boys and even men chasing her, desiring her, giving her (sometimes expensive) gifts, prostrating themselves before her, begging attention from her, etc. Guys who get a taste of her puss and fall in love with her. She's used to saying, "See yah!" and hitting the road. Now she's encountering all of that in me. Such is the power of even modest game, or, more likely, experience. I have f**ked hot chicks before, I have seen almost every manner of female bad behavior, and I know how to reply to it. I know Ms. Slav can be replaced. She knows that I know, and I know she knows I know, although I don't thinks she would use the words I'm using.
Indifference is more shocking to her, I think, than love or hate. Being relinquished or released does not happen to her often. But I am not fond of being the #2 or #3 choice. I, however, am used to chicks experiencing sudden temperature swings, and me being dropped by them. Chicks and secret society guys can go colder faster than normal people.
Readers can probably infer that the consensual non-monogamy and sex party world have some problems of the traditionally monogamous world, just transformed but not wholly eliminated. Many adventure stories see the hero transmitted into a dark "mirror world" that is similar to but different from the normal, daylight world. Non-monogamy works similarly.
I still like Ms. Slav more than not, but she has been focused on school and is much more heavily into the scene than even I am. In my view she says, "Yes" too much. To almost all invitations. To guys on Facebook.
I wrote a variant of this previously, but some of you are probably thinking that if I'd just managed Ms. Slav better, she would still be firmly in my orbit. That is possible, but doubtful. She has greater interest in this world than even me.
She is also willing (semi-willing?) to let pictures of her be used for social media purposes. I'm not sure she's tracking what's happening closely, or as closely as she should be. But the number of super hot chicks in the world is small, and the number in the scene is small. The number who are willing to be photographed is smaller still. This may come back to bite Ms. Slav... or it may not. She may fully "come out" in a way that most participants are reluctant to. If it weren't for peculiar aspects of my own life setup, I might be willing to come out. Men are more willing, on average than women. Especially single men.
Ms. Slav is popular as a photograph target because almost everyone understands basic principles of consumer advertising. How do you sell to a man? Tell him this product will bring him hot chicks. To a woman? This product will make her one. Ms. Slav could not be a professional model, but she is willing to be undressed and trussed up in front of the camera.
Ms. Slav will be at home for a few weeks, and it would not surprise me if she's had enough of me by the time she gets back. It's rare for casual relationships to survive the "primary partner" or "be my boyfriend" talk if the outcome is not positive. But Ms. Slav has been exceptional in many ways, which is why I've been writing so much about her. Long-time readers will remember "Bike Girl," who is (was) a more normal relationship than Ms. Slav. Bike Girl was into me and very much wanted to develop our relationship. Most chicks want one or at most two primary relationships. Very few go all the way into Ms. Slav territory, f**king seemingly everyone. Some. I've f**ked some of those girls. The girl I cut loose a while ago is like that. We got coffee the other day; I still like her. She lacks diet discipline and that is showing, even at her age. I looked through some of the sex tapes we made, and I can see the difference happening from the first to the last. Remarkable. It's also weird to see that I wrote that post about her in July... it seems like last month.
I emphasize how rare Ms. Slav is in the preceding paragraph because I think some guys will think her behavior is common, when in fact it's not. Because it's so uncommon, it makes a good story. I've written far more about Ms. Slav than I did about Bike Girl because Bike Girl was pretty normal and Ms. Slav is not.
People doing consensual non-monogamy successfully often have quite orderly, regular lives apart from the sex clubs. Most lives can only tolerate so much disorder before they collapse or spiral out of control. To be totally debauched in one area, one must be very stable and responsible in others. Most people in the community are employed and have a reasonable financial base, too; it's hard to explore alternate relationship styles if you can't pay rent first.
If I have the opportunity, I might go a couple weeks or month without chicks, as a kind of psychological or physical challenge. Some of the regulars may drop off. But that depends on Peaches's scheduled.
Does anyone else reading this, and in the game, like Stoic philosophy? I'm not religious, but there is a slightly religious impulse behind my interest.