"‘Sneating’ is the online dating trend that feeds on chivalrous men"?
I doubt this is really true, but I post "‘Sneating’ is the online dating trend that feeds on chivalrous men" to reinforce an idea game-aware guys already know: don't take women to restaurants before you've had sex. This is a newbie point that I will reiterate.
I prefer a "meet for drinks" first date, preferably at a bar that doesn't serve food. Some guys like other venues and that's fine. My preferred bars don't card during the week, so they're fine for under-21s.
If the date goes poorly, I pay for my own and leave. This has generated some outrage from chicks, but my response is, "You know how ordering drinks works, right? You order, you pay." It's pretty rare for this to happen, however, because most chicks are fine on dates, and I don't care about buying one drink for a chick who is normal and pleasant to be around.
I have refused dates with chicks who only want to go to restaurants, as that reads, "Attempting free meal." Naturally, these kinds of problems only occur in online dates, never from chicks met in person.
Women can only behave as badly as men let them behave, and a lot of men appear to let women behave very badly.
If she doesn't drink, I like walks in a park at twilight, but I have met very few women who do not drink.