"She’d always fancied me but her circumstances had changed"
"I thus conclude she’d always fancied me but her circumstances had changed in the interim." Complete story at the link. Something similar likely happened to the woman I wrote about in "Snapchat in game: 'Wish this was you.'" The girl from this story is an even longer example, in terms of time passed between initial contact and lay.
If you get a hard "no" from a woman, never contact her again. But time resets a lot of clocks, and there's often no reason to totally burn a cold lead. Cold leads can warm suddenly.
Downside is, enough time often turns attractive women fat. In the last year I've gotten renewed contact from three women I knew years ago, all of whom had gotten fat enough for me to be uninterested. A very strange thing and maybe a sign of getting older. One I met for a coffee, and she went nuts when I evaded her offers of drinks and dinners and said that I don't see her in a romantic way. I pulled a total girl move, in other words. A longer story for another time. I probably ought not to have talked as much as I did about zero sugar. I also have this thing where I like to invite fatties to workout with me. They never do it.