"Sex is Sex. But Money Is Money."
"Sex is Sex. But Money Is Money." This chick writes about being an escort... much of her experience is similar to what escort girls have told me, and it is a reminder of what life can look like for some younger-hotter-tighter chicks. Some chicks have the psychology to be escorts but many don't, and the ones that don't really really suffer if they try or succeed.
A lot of chicks get f**ked up mentally and emotionally and sometimes physically by escorting... but for the ones who have the body and personality for it, it can be an insanely easy way to make a lot of money. Straight men can't earn substantial money from straightforward sex work, like women can, an aspect of female privilege no one talks about.
I think guys, even players, don't 100% appreciate what the wild life of a hot young chick can look like, if she chooses it to be wild. This is also why some older, once-hot chicks get so bitter... they remember the days when hordes of men gave them money, attention, status, anything at all... and the contrast with the men who are available to them when they're older, less hot, etc. Smart chicks see this coming and plan accordingly, but a whole lot of chicks don't, and age smacks them in the face, hard. Not the good kind of hard either.
Being an escort, like being a player, can also be super lonely. Other chicks fear, hate, and envy the escort... guys mostly just want to f**k super hot chicks, so most hot chicks aren't real friends with straight men... also, somewhat contrary to what you read online, most sex workers know that being a sex worker is still taboo and will have severe social ramifications if/when news gets out. So it can be isolating. This is why "seeking" or "sugar" relationships are attractive, as a guy in his 40s or 50s can pose as a pseudo-boyfriend, which is a little weird, but is more socially acceptable than f**king three or more new guys a week. Any time a girl (or a guy for that matter) who can lie about or obfuscate the sex-for-money thing, she will.
There are more sex workers in the sex club / non-monogamy space than in the regular world... or they're more open about it, because almost everyone in that space is already sex-positive and acknowledges that humans love to f**k and we should f**k more. I think sex workers can like non-monogamy because the people are far less judgmental and far more welcoming... it becomes a community, something that sex workers need because many traditional communities will reject their work and who they are as a person. Escort girls can even be competitive with each other.
I wasn't going to post on the blog about this, but the story seemed to touch a nerve on Twitter, so I'll memorialize it here. Escort girls are also entrepreneurs / consultants, and many people are not cut out for that role, and are better off working for someone else.