Sailor socialist girl doesn't care, and it's not about economic systems
The conversation in the last post turned towards what "socialist" and "feminist" identifying girls mean... and the answer is usually, "not much," because most conversations are about expressing feelings and hierarchy… the number of “socialists” who even understand what that entails is minimal. When she says she's a socialist, she’s expressing what she sees as a “caring” underlying value and framing you as “uncaring” by comparison. The number of people interested in ideas is small. A lot of male nerd engineers treat all conversations like engineering problems and consequently don't get laid much because their engineering mindset, while important at school and work, repels feelings-based women.
When she says she's a socialist... she doesn't really care.
She's not a policymaker.
Her vote doesn't make a big difference in her life.
There's a big gap between any functional country and Venezuela... it will take a really long time for any functional country to hit Venezuela or Soviet Union or Cuba levels... she wants to feel good, to feel taken care of, to make other people feel like they'll be taken care of... Mark J says in the comments, "Debating Western girls like this, (usually white, middle class with a college education paid for by daddy who I guarantee you made his money in a very unsocialist fashion, is a waste of time.) The only appropriate response is to ignore her or ridicule her." I disagree a bit... "ridicule" never changes minds and doesn't get guys laid... "ignore her" makes more sense, particularly for a guy looking to get laid, not teach basic economics.
The liberal "socialist" girl has never started a business or worked in a true small business. She's spent her entire life in big institutions that protect and cosset her and are functional "enough." Now she works in marketing, another world that is very removed from the reality of creating new and valuable things or services. She is likely looking ultimately for a guy who will subsidize her and her children. To her, the "community property" mindset has always worked (well enough) and she thinks it will always work well enough. Her Dad and the state subsidized her growing up and in college... eventually a husband will come along to subsidize the rest of her life. If you think the conversation is about socialism, you've already lost.
Also, before you get too smug and superior about the "socialist" girl... the "conservative" man who succeeds well enough is somewhat similar... he has never felt the sting of racism, of driving while black... he will collect unemployment (from the evil government) when he needs it... he will collect social security when it's time (just like Ayn Rand did)... he likes the government interventions into individual liberty that make him feel personally good... he is little more principled than the "socialist" girl. I could go on with his characteristics. Online, one sees many "conservative" guys adopt an isolationist mindset, ignoring the vast body of data showing that immigration is a huge benefit to Western countries. Immigrants and their children are far more entrepreneurial and hard working than native-born persons or those whose families have been in country for years. Human spirit is universal.
Same for the "Christian" when it is convenient to love Jesus, but who makes exceptions when they feel good. She gets pregnant! Time for a "Christian" guy to step up and take care of her, because she's repented and been born again.
For most people... these things are all poses...
By the way... the same is true of the "tradcon" man or the "conservative" who adopts whatever shifting positions Fox News / Rush Limbaugh / the WSJ editorial page happens to be espousing today. 20 years ago those venues were pro-immigration cause the top of the right was... now they're opposed because of the clown in office... tomorrow it'll be something else... the number of people who have any consistency in their views is very small... most people hold "views" that are trying to signal their underlying values.
There is a huge number of guys in "game" or "red pill" who think that every guy should run away from any girl who says she's a "feminist" or something. For most girls... it's just a label... most girls are not like university spinsters who hate men... the exception is girls who have built their whole lives around being insane activists... if you run into a girl like, it's time to flee.
If she prematurely claims she's been raped... that's also a no-go. There are a small number of ideologically strident and militant girls. An even smaller number of them are somewhat attractive. That number is so small that yes, if you find one, you should disengage from her/it.
Some problems have definite answers. If you are trying to understand why your database keeps falling over, you need to get the answer in order for your business/website work. There is a very strong link between the right answer and the quality of your life. How you feel is immaterial to whether your database works, your plane flies, your machine stamps, your electric motorcycle runs, etc. The further you get from technical questions, the less opinions link to reality, and the more people's identity answers don't matter too much. If you are on a date with a woman, your goal is to feed her typical chick crack feelings and emotions material... relationships, stories, drama, travel, dreams... with most chicks, the more concrete and logical you are in a romantic context, the more turned off she'll be. If you listen to chicks talk, you'll be amazed by how little informational content they have. If you listen to men talk, you'll often find the opposite... "marketes are down by 1.1% today... under Smith's leadership, Acme Company has seen sales improve by 12%.... Canon's new camera offers 10-bit video, a huge improvement in image quality for your sex videos... let me show you how to fix that problem with your sink..."
I can't tell you how many "feminist" girls can't put up shelves... assemble basic furniture... fix their computers... etc. I've teasingly said to some girls, "A feminist should be able to check her own hard drive for space constraints, right?" Or diagnose a bad motherboard, etc. The true feminist is a programmer or engineer... funny how few of them there are in those fields, right...?
Very few people like "substance" conversations. If you want a girl who is substantive, you can look for her, but she's rare... hot+substantive is even rarer... I'd say "hot+pleasant to be around" occur together often enough and is a much more common combination. People (male or female) also usually become more substantive as they get older... but prime time for women is their teens to late 20s... the mismatch is evident.
I missed it at first, but xsplat has an extended treatment of this issue... I think there's some truth to this, "Many of us are sapio-sexual, and get more turned on by smart girls. I think that has to do with liking large breasts. Evolution noticed that smart girls make smarter babies which in turn are more likely to make surviving grandchildren," although I wouldn't call myself "sapiosexual." For a man, attraction to intelligence probably depends on the context... for short-term hookups, it's pretty irrelevant, but for longer-term relationships, it's very important.
Back to the main point, most opinions are just random associations, random neurons firing. Sweaty virgin nerds like having "reasons" for opinions/views. Veteran chads realize that most opinions, particularly with chicks, are about generating good feelings. Save the fact talk for work.
Conversations are usually about generating alliances, not about developing a more truthful view of world (science is exceptional because it allows us to ascertain truth, regardless of whether it offends churches, leaders, popes, feminists, etc.). For that reason the institution of science is important. By the way, all you right-wingers, for some reason the modern right is now in science denial about climate change, since the reality of doing something about climate change will affect big corporations like Exxon and General Motors, both of which work very hard to influence your minds... and it works... and a lot of guys online are just like socialist girls, when it comes to confronting realities they don't like... I'm not saying right and left are equally delusional... but both wings have their tribal moments where they ignore reality.