Rollo Tomassi Rational Male post
More reader questions... a batch ask about Rollo and The Rational Male... I think Rollo is a considerable improvement on the default state of the average guy. An average guy will see his life and knowledge improved if he reads The Rational Male book. Like in the one about "levels" of game/development, my view depends on where the guy is and what he needs... Rollo is above the median, so that's good for a basic guy.
But.. you knew a "but" was coming... most of The Rational Male is more culture war than I'm interested in. I'm glad someone wants to prosecute culture war on the behalf of embattled men... though I personally want to do other things... I don't spend time with angry feminists and I'm a bit more interested in guys talking about the real mechanics of real-world dating (and sex of course). About the practice and about specifics of how to make it work. That is what I encourage guys to blog about. I want to live more immediately. Yes, feminism is bad... yes, feminism has infiltrated some workplaces and many HR departments... in my everyday life it is never as bad as it's depicted on the Internet, and I want to write about what I see in my life.
So Rollo is most into culture and culture war and hypergamy. I am most interested in game and f**king. Rollo wants to raise the level of the average guy, I think... I want to talk to guys who have game or want to develop game, the guys who want to get to the top. If you're interested in getting laid a lot and understanding individual female psychology, I'm really talking to you. If you're aiming to talk about large scale social forces... I am less into that. Obviously there's some overlap between the two groups but the focus is different.
It's pretty rare for me to link to Rollo because his material is fine but it's rarely on the topics most vital to me. There's a sidebar link to him because, like I said, I think his book is useful for some guys, and it covers material I don't. I don't agree with everything in it but that's fine too... it's better than the male average and that's good enough for me. If you know an average guy, it is good to slip him a copy of The Rational Male book, particularly if he's going through a tough breakup or divorce and is ready to understand reality. I can see giving the right guy the book.
Nash's statement on Rollo... he's more anti-Rollo than I am. If you want the anti-Rollo statement, read it.
I don't think Rollo's work describes "top guy" worlds or will help guys get to the top, though they will help average guys who are totally asleep or misled. For guys with game fundamentals, who want to reach the next levels, he's not optimal. So is he "good" or "bad?" Depends on the guy and his needs. It's nice that someone is attacking the bad feminist culture... I just don't want to be that guy myself. It's also not good to get stuck in that world... it's better to get into a world where a guy is getting laid, building skills, etc.
A lot of the Internet consists of people announcing that something is 100% s**t, and something else is 100% genius... I don't really do that binary thinking... there can be things with some positive aspects, some with neutral aspects, and some with negative aspects... including me... I wouldn't expect anyone to agree with 100% of what I say... if someone did, that would be odd.
I have some theory and philosophy posts... but most of what I write germinates from some experience or other. Something happens, I talk to someone, I do something, then I write about it. That is, I believe, where the best material originates.