Red Scare podcast girls on real sex
I was listening to one of the Red Scare podcasts, I think this one, and it's amazing how on-target so much of it is regarding how sexuality really works. One of the hosts said, "Feminism's all about being in denial," about your sexuality and sexuality desires... it makes me consider, how many chicks are figuring this out? Lots of them will admit as much in private but not in public, for fear of the feminist social media mob. If feminists were as drawn to the squat rack as they are to baselessly attacking others, they would have boyfriends. It's like the old days in the Soviet Union, when everyone knew the truth privately but was afraid to admit it publicly. Modern feminism is a con... one of the hosts says, "I've taken the red pill on feminism a long time ago." So Red Pill language is permeating the mainstream. One of them says, "Getting hit by your boyfriend feels good.... Well it doesn't feel good but it makes you feel alive." I like the distinction... is "alive" good? Sometimes. Sometimes maybe not. They get the ambivalence and ambiguity in sex and sexuality, something that's almost entirely missing in the hysterical media world, where all women are innocent victims and all men evil predators.
In reality... there are few victims or true predators... a lot of women have decided that the inept stance that women are irrational is somehow desirable... exactly the opposite stance of the feminism in the 50s - 70s, when women wanted to be seen as being as capable as men. How many women have secret housewife fantasies they won't express? I've heard those too, stated quietly.
Back to sex, one of them says, "I love getting restrained and getting the menace of violence."... I keep saying "one of them" because it's hard for me to figure out who is who... they both sound f**kable, could be wrong here... yet for men the lesson is, "BDSM skills matter." That should be the new Twitter hashtag. I have another post about women's love for BDSM that I forgot to put up... it'll come...
Another time one says, "10 years ago I might've still been a yuppie." I dunno, you kind of have to be a yuppie to afford big cities today...
I have talked about Red Scare a little bit before this, and I have been getting messages about it, and about how approving of it is somehow bad, cause it's hosted by women, or some of the thins they say aren't true... I disagree that some disagreement removes all value or truth... look, there are various things I disagree with them about (capitalism is awesome and the reason they have a podcast instead of being forced to toil in potato fields or factories, and also Bernie is economically illiterate and unfit to lead the country, or be more than a gadfly...), BUT: they have something interesting to say, particularly about culture, culture's intersection with politics, sexuality, and male-female relations. It's also important to not live your life in an echo chamber... we need to be able to disagree but be smart about it... most people can't move on from their black/white thinking. Having something to say is compelling in an era of morons mindlessly repeating garbled angry formulas they learned fourth-hand from braindead tenured humanities professors.
If you listen to red scare, call her daddy, and joe rogan... one thing they all have in common is that they're not having the standard media conversation.
Read the new york times (and its analogues) and watch the standard news programming (and their analogues), and they're all stories about bullshit "oppression" olympics, how bad women have it (nonsense... women are protected and supported by men), how white people are (somehow) bad (despite building modern civilization), how men are evil and women are saintly, etc. All of it is, basically... bullshit. There's some hard news sprinkled into the "news," particularly for scientific stories that don't have immediate political ramifications, but a lot of the dominant media narrative(s) are so incomplete as to be wrong... and most people know it. The differences between men and women are obvious from everyday life... they can be exaggerated too much, yes... an individual man or woman may deviate a lot from the norm... but come on, look around at every day life. Get off the jerk-off Internet. The dominant media narratives and their more crazy online cousins (jezebel, for example, or gawker before it went kaput) are bankrupt. BUT... there is also a right-wing version of many of these, in the form of fox news and talk radio, and you know what? It is EVEN WORSE than the NYT, the PMC, academia, etc. It is totally fact free, and reality free. It has some online conspiracy theories wings too. Yuck. People who are not idiots avoid idiots. When we see these big media companies being full of it, we get the crisis of the authority and the revolt of the public that we are seeing.
So red scare, chd, rogan, eric weinstein (the Portal)... I don't agree with any of them 100%... maybe not even 50%... yet they are all having interesting discussions, at times, outside of the mainstream narrative, and engaging a popular audience, like I am not, because I am writing and most people are illiterate. We can choose to break free of the "official" narrative. I think all four big podcasts have disagreements with one another... but all of them are more interesting and honest than say most of the new york times's reporting on sex, feminism, men/women, etc. And people (including me) are responding to the "lower / very low bullshit" element.
To the extent red quest has readers... it has readers because what I have to say is somewhat interesting/plausible while also not being part of the standard media narrative, OR part of the standard-media-crazy-counter narrative (Fox News is far worse than the NYT, despite the NYT problems). Let's look at one version of a different reality... I have NEVER seen anything in the media even remotely like the free sex party book. Never, not once, and I read a lot, more than I should, and I listen, too. If you are aware of anything like it, please leave a comment... I have read Troy Francis's book by the way and it's neither detailed nor terribly accurate. The book I put together is 50K words on how this world works. It is far too incendiary for mainstream publishers but also too complex and complete for the reddit/twitter crowds, which can't understand or digest any idea that is longer than a few sentences. The book is based on analysis more than feelings and for that reason it doesn't fit into the social media world.
I have seen NOTHING in the media that sounds remotely like the CHD girls. The closest thing is probably mid '00s Tucker Max, who wrote from a man's perspective and is also too old to be of interest to most college girls / post-grads working their first jobs in the big city and experimenting with f**king all the hottest dudes they can find. Those girls barely read. Or, the slightly older women who are thinking about what comes next for them... they are probably not the CHD audience but might be the red scare audience... still like f**king and being hot, but they know having a baby is the better/smarter life course... there is much to say here... and the mainstream media is saying very little of it, for the most part. Feminist journalists and university professors are mostly spinsters and are trying to glamorize and valorize their own foolish spinster decisions, while ignoring the gaping hole in their soul that everyone else can see.
So... I'm interested in people who are thinking something, and thinking something that is 1. smart, 2. different, and 3. real. Even if I disagree with parts. I am net pro Rollo Tomassi, despite the qualifications I have stated, because he is having a conversation that is mostly not being had elsewhere. He is often 3/3 even when I disagree. The university/new york times narratives... are often 0/3 (ouch). Not smart, not different, not real. The red scare thinking is often 3/3, or 2/3. If your reply is "don't listen to girls..." I don't know what to tell you. "Modern feminism is bad" does not equate to "all women or bad..." judge the ideas... also, do you exist in the real world? Lots of women are smart/intelligent/interesting/etc. If you haven't figured that out then you are either 1. messed up/inexperienced or 2. you are not surrounded by good people. People image match and if they think you are messed up, they will justifiably avoid you.
Normal men like women and normal women like men... I can't believe that statement is worth making... it's out there at the extremes where you get problems. The NYT hates men now and that's one of its narrative problems. There are also some number of genuinely bad dudes out there... not the majority but enough to be worth noting. The NYT conflates "they had drunk sex and that's obviously rape" with guys who stalk chicks and do other truly bad things... I have seen it... heard about it... etc. Smart women prioritize their families for lots of reasons... one is that their fathers and brothers will help with male predation. If a woman is being stalked by some guy, staying with one of her (male) family members who owns a firearm can make sense, for example. Chicks are always at risk of predation... though modern culture and police forces mostly protect them from it... which is why the leftist anti-police rhetoric is often ridiculous... which is not to say there are not many problems with police... police shouldn't murder people... we need a lot of changes in policing. It's not "police bad civilian good" though. Or the other way around. It's in the nuance.
So I view red scare as being able to speak to contradiction and complexity... even when I disagree with it, like I sometimes do... and contradiction and complexity are part of the human experience. They are mostly erased from the dominant media narrative, sadly. Re-injecting them is good. Most normal women do not like where the feminism industrial complex has gone, treating women like children or like men, when most women wish to be women. Many guys have not learned to be men and have to seek lessons in masculinity from strangers online, because they don't get it in schools or from their fat video gamer fathers. The feminist nanny worldview can be challenged thanks to the Internet... and that is what we are seeing happen, thankfully.
So... if you have something interesting and different to say, say it... I want to hear it... I just don't want to hear surface-level thinking, or bullshit. This blog is for saying something that I see no one else saying, something that is (I hope) tolerably intelligent and also true. No journalist is telling this story, so I decided to tell it myself. Red scare... is telling stories that other people aren't, and that's why I listen. Selectively, and rarely if ever to every episode, but enough.
I also admire the chicks doing Red Scare cause they're pretty anti-fragile... they get attacked by dipshits on Twitter... and then they fire back... they're not part of the university-industrial complex, so they're not worried about being fired by some archaic dipshit institution that's desperately scared of its own clients ("students"). Listening to people who often have something to say and who aren't dipshits... it's refreshing, you know?
If I had less to lose I'd start a podcast about game + masculinity... but, unlike the red scare girls, I want to maintain relatively mainstream employment. In another universe I'd find some girl to start a NSFW onlyfans with and be a dirtbag podcaster... troll feminists relentlessly... truly enter the gig economy... truly embrace hedonic degeneracy... learn how to synthesize mdma from the dark web... oh g-d, the depravity... I think I would combust... but I've thought about it... truly embracing the dark lord figure... podcasts today can be like the angry metal bands of the '80s or the hippies of the late '60s... I'd probably destroy myself in the process... yet it's possible that I've maybe considered it once or twice... instead I do red quest, writing in an age where people have lost the ability to read and think... twitter and universities are like tentacled mind viruses flaying the ability to think clearly... yet Twitter and some podcasts are also where some free speech lives.