"Rebuilding a Sex Life Destroyed by Postpartum Depression"
"Rebuilding a Sex Life Destroyed by Postpartum Depression" is framed as female-empowerment bullshit, but guys should read it and think, "This is why I shouldn't get married. I don't want to end up like that dude."
Higher-end sex workers will usually admit that their typical clients are married guys with kids who aren't getting much at home but love their wives. That doesn't quite describe me (I wasn't married), but I was in that general ballpark.
A guy doesn't want to get in this position:
he was now someone I looked to as a caretaker, someone who helped me through the daily — sometimes minute-by-minute — struggles of postpartum depression. It was difficult to reconcile that Dan with the man who had been my lover.
Guys who cohabitate will often find themselves, if not there, then too close to it.