Photography game?
I don't have a strong view on "photography game," though I've heard of guys attempting to elucidate their methods. Due to "Anyone doing any online dating needs to learn basic photography skills," I've gotten questions about photography game, though I'm chary about cameras as game props, because, as I wrote in Ride a motorcycle—for fun, transport, and dating, "Riding a motorcycle will obviously not fix broken fundamentals of personality, weight, social presence, etc. You cannot buy your way out of who you are." There is no single tool or thing you can buy to make you attractive to women, regardless of what the massive marketing and advertising edifices tell you. Most guys who think they'll use the camera to attract and seduce women are deluding themselves and probably come off as creepers. I've seen camera-wielding creepers and heard stories from women about them. To rely on a prop instead of building a personality is preparing to fail.
But, a guy with good fundamentals can no doubt add the camera as a way to open and bond with chicks. I shot a couple hundred nude and erotic pics of Ms. Slav on a rooftop this week, and she loved it, as most hot chicks do, provided that they're with a guy they find high status and cool. Most guys fail to develop coolness and status, and they can't get hot girls in bed, let alone excited for pics.
One correspondent says,
We discussed whether validation was more important to women than sex itself. He said these women spent the best part of an eight hour shoot talking about how horny it made them feel so he jokingly told me I should set up some shoots of women I liked for the express purpose of fucking chicks! Seems so corny though.
It's hard for me to judge this kind of thing, because I have almost no context. Many Internet advice seekers and givers lack context to the extent that the advice is worthless, and most people are too stupid to ask good questions. I'll take a shot anyway: I've not done photo shoots or camera game like this; I've typically done photo shoots and that kind of thing after sex, like I did with Ms. Slav on the rooftop cityscape, when the girl's sexual excitement shows through her entire body and soul.
I can't tell if doing bikini photo shoots with a girl you haven't yet slept with is a demonstration of higher value, lower value, or neither. My immediate instinct is to say, "Lower," and that setting up a camera shoot with a chick is worse than just doing a regular date with her, and perhaps mentioning a photo shoot in a future-project way. But I've not got experience doing this kind of game.
It's dangerous to judge a game style or technique without trying it out, because what may seem true in theory may not be true in practice. Game should be a practice and a practical set of applications, and I just don't know here. I do know that chicks are narcissistic enough that getting their nudes done by a guy they trust is fun for them. A decent number later ask me to delete the pics and videos, showing the vagaries of the female mind.
My guess is that if you're a cool enough guy to make the camera thing work, you don't need the camera. And if you're not a cool enough guy to make the camera thing work, the camera isn't going to help.
Obviously the camera can be a useful tool. In many circumstances I like having a book more, and talking about what I've been reading. A lot of chicks are surprised by that because most guys don't read. Even dumb chicks are somewhat impressed, if it's done well by the right guy.
"If it's done well by the right guy" is everything.
Ms. Slav went on a date with another woman last night, and it was extremely successful. More updates on her to follow. She's among the few women capable of asking another woman out, setting up the date, and making a move. Most women who "want" another woman "just choose men" because men pursue them, and they say yes or no. Doing the pursuit doesn't occur to passive women. My weekend has been very chill, since I'm recovering from travel and other things. I'm off my gym routine due to travel and a minor injury, so I need to get back into it.