Passionate love and companionate love for guys
Seduction artists should be able to think long and short term
Got some feedback on this, "Short Dancer, maybe the last girl I was in intense love with (while ago now)," and it seems to be off-brand for me, based on the feedback... but the reactions have alerted me to some oversight... there are at least two kinds of love, passionate love and companionate love (may have got the terms slightly wrong but the idea is right). Passionate love is in the intensely erotic and sexualized love that often characterizes the beginning of relationships, crushes, etc. It's intense, all-consuming, like a drug, etc. Companionate love is closer to friendship, involving kindness, compatibility, similar values, etc. These two are not completely exclusive... it's possible to find someone highly arousing but also companionate. Or companionate but also arousing, if you like that better.
They don't have to go together.
But they can.
And ideally should.
I may have misjudged Short Dancer, because I thought she was more hypergamous and more interested in being an experimental s**t than she might be in reality. It's hard to say because I don't know a lot about what she's really been up to, so for all I know she has a secret side guy besides her official guy. But she seems to be more interested in monogamy and a steady relationship than I thought (unless there's something I don't know)... but our experience together was primarily passionate. Very passionate.
Passionate love is wonderful... it's also not very sustainable... after you've f**ked a woman hundreds of times, passionate love will probably begin to decline as you acclimate to her and her to you. What's left when the overwhelming drug exhilaration goes away? Until it does, you don't know... you probably can't know... you'll probably be blinded by her beauty and the feel of her p***y... a lot of the better long term relationships with kids can start with passionate love and decay into companionate love. Not impossible for that happen. But it's also possible that most women with whom you experience passionate love, are not suitable for long-term relationships. And some women who are great for long-term relationships don't generate the most intense sexual passion.
“Picking up girls” skills and “long-term relationships” skills have some overlap but a guy who wants to f**k a lot should focus on the first set of skills, not the second set. Lots of guys have neither set of skills and just take what they can get. Probably the majority of guys, in reality. Most guys writing about the game focus on pickup... as they should... it is hard to have a satisfying long-term relationship without having options and without knowing that the woman you're with can leave and you'll be okay. Women prefer guys who women know can get other women. Guys are going to have lots of trouble having good, long-term relationships, which almost inevitably become companionate, unless they can pick up chicks. The woman needs to know that the guy has options, even if the guy doesn’t exercise them.
I'm bringing this up because it's possible (and desirable) to have a long term relationship with family and kids with a woman who goes from passionate love to more companionate love. It happens, yes. But... a lot of divorces, nasty breakups, etc. happen when someone, or two people, mistake passionate love for good long-term compatibility. Short Dancer was a great passionate love but I think the age gap and other factors made us unsustainable... beyond that, I wasn't quite looking for true long-term relationships at that time.
A lot of broken relationships are founded on passion, and male desperation. Almost all regular romantic/sexual mainstream advice focuses on companionate relationships... those are fine, but the advice is almost always half-blind. I don't emphasize companionate relationships because the commentary on them is so readily available... but almost no mainstream advice focuses on maximizing passionate relationships... or is even comfortable with talking about them. Players are rare because we value passion and strive to create it in both men and women, while the mainstream seeks to tamp down and deny passion. I want to acknowledge passionate love... but also acknowledge companionate love, here and now. Companionate love can exist without you reader personally wanting to engage in it right now. Get lots of passionate experience first.
In many good long term relationships, passion decays gracefully into companionate love... in a lot of bad relationships, the need to chase passion predominates. One interesting question to me is whether some aspects of non-monogamy can square that circle. Not perfectly, but a little. I've seen people do it.
If the relationship is too companionate, especially for younger women, she'll get bored, and we know that Boredom = death. But women vary in how easily they're bored, how hypergamous they are, etc., and women who aren't easily bored are better for long-term relationships. Some women are also incapable of companionate love. I have met women in their 50s and 60s who are still chasing the D like teens.
I'm in favor of being in love. Love is fun. I'm against marriage but in favor of love. You can also love a chick w/o being monogamous.
Advertisers can't sell products with companionate love, for the most part, so we see passionate love depicted. But companionate love is a thing too.
Many players and s**ts love passionate love and will eliminate partners as the passion subsides. If you commit to a woman while you are in the throes of passionate love, you are setting yourself up to fail, and a lot of guys do this, then post online about how chicks are evil, while taking zero responsibility for their own actions and choices.
Most of the mistakes I write about, like mistaking passion for compatibility, are mistakes I've made.