Ms. Slav party night
I went to a party with Ms. Slav on Saturday night, and Ms. Slav was on good behavior. Or she was genuinely interested in hooking up with this chick, which she did for a long time, with me participating for a lot of it. Regardless of motives, things went well. Ms. Slav was more solicitous than she has been. She was a little tired herself, and I was a lot tired... the "tired" came from Home Friend the night before, but I didn't share that with Ms. Slav. Ms. Slav was also a bit more subdued, and she let herself be led more easily.
Later on, we left and got some food, and then went back to my place. I was ready to crash, but Ms. Slav wanted to chat. She asked me to be her primary partner. And I froze... and then punted... I have seen less of her in the last month than I would like. I asked what makes her ask now, and I told her that I'd been thinking about this exact issue. She said that I'm willing to let her be free and that I'm more reliable than anyone else she's met. Fuuuuccccckkkkkkk... "reliable" is synonymous with "boring" in girl-speak. Particularly young-girl-speak. Ms. Slav could tell I wasn't happy with that description, although I tried to hide my initial response, and I didn't quite want to tell her that "reliable" means "boring," but I was dancing around that idea some.
We had a long talk about reciprocity and how, from my perspective, she'd been out f**king everyone under the sun... and she said that I would never have met Peaches if not for her (somewhat true, but less than she thinks), and that I should have "checked" with her first. I explained that I hear what she's saying, but that, again from my perspective, she seems to be splitting hairs.
This is the girl who doesn't experience jealousy and who opposes drama. Like I said in an earlier post, push hard enough and we're all hypocrites in some way. Ms. Slav isn't ready to acknowledge her hypocrisy. I don't think she can even see it. I think she's too deep in her own worldview to perceive it. She stuck to her story.
I debated telling her about Home Friend on Friday. I know she won't like me f**king Home Friend. I know she won't like finding out that I f**ked Home Friend later. But Ms. Slav is going back to her home country for a couple weeks shortly, and I don't know what will happen when she returns. I don't know what I want to happen. The last couple months have been so debauched, like I wonder if this is a kind of last hurrah for this part of my life. But I've built up all these skills and connections... there is a part of me that thinks it would almost be a waste to stop now.
I've written about this previously, but for a long time my mind was congruent: I love f**king, I like group sex, let's just do as much as I can, as often as I can, while still maintaining my other duties and responsibilities. Now I'm more ambivalent, more divided, and less sure of what the focus of my life should be. I don't think it's an accident that I began writing online around the time I began feeling ambivalent. When my mind was united, I felt less need to share or explain. And my job soaked up pretty much every spare moment and thought. Now my role has changed and I have more time, but maybe more time isn't so good for me after all. I have been blessed with many extraordinary experiences and opportunities. I will never be one of those people who looks back at their sex life and thinks, "I wish I had had the courage to try this, this, and this." I have tried it all. For the good, sometimes for the less good. I have learned much. Some of that I am passing on. I wonder who will do what I do, in the next generation. The non-monogamy culture is out there. Players who combine it with game can achieve extraordinary things, as most guys in the scene lack game, and most guys who have decent game do not know about the scene, it seems.
With Ms. Slav, I left the "primary partner" discussion tabled. I think she may leave, and lose interest (time away is deadening for any woman, but especially a fizzy young girl), and by the time she comes back the problem will have solved itself. Ms. Slav thinks we fit well together because I have been superficially less judgmental of her behavior than others have. In reality, I know that chastising girls is largely useless. I know that Ms. Slav is the sort of girl who is going to have to discover principles of reciprocity the hard way. I'm enjoying the ride... I'm not in it for the long term.
Sunday morning she spent a long time going down on me. We went out for coffee. She went home, I went back to my place for a nap. In the afternoon I began writing this pair of posts. I need to get myself back to a more normal, rhythmic schedule. This weekend has been crazy.