More on Ms. Slav, and lessons for men who are dating
Interesting things from Ms. Slav (and a post that is almost perfectly opposite to the preceding one):
* She says she prefers experiences to wealth, and that most people in her home country are materialistic, boring, and obsessed with money. I tried to tell her that the extent to which people focus on pleasure and high-order things depends on a country's economic development. When people fail economically in the United States, the social safety net catches them, and almost no one starves to death (this is part of the reason guys should specialize more in game and lifting and being hot than being a provider-guy: chicks don't need provider guys, mostly). It's possible for almost anyone to survive by getting a retail job somewhere, doing something. For people in less-developed countries, failure can lead towards death or a level of poverty almost unknown in the United States.
Being indifferent to wealth, even superficially, is much better than being a spoiled rich girl. I'm describing Ms. Slav, not whining about her. If she were a typical spoiled rich girl I would likely not get along with her.
* Ms. Slav says one of her relatives is among the richest men in her country. Based on what I've seen of her, I believe it. She's rich but prefers not to overtly flaunt it or talk about it. I believe she doesn't like talking about it, but she almost can't help but flaunt it through her clothes. I don't pay close attention to costly clothing but, hanging out with her over time, I can't help but notice. The things she says and does scream, "Money." When I was her age I worked a fairly typical job and had nothing like the things she's had or the experiences she's had. I wasn't poor, but her family has only a "small" yacht. She lives in a different world than normal people. Including me.
* Her friend, the one she was staying with previously, wants to watch us have sex. The friend is not that attractive, but whatever, I'm down. (Update: Eventually, she brought her really hot friend for threesomes. It was awesome.)
* I think I wrote this previously, but she says she's not been really dominated by a man. I find this a little hard to believe, but it could be true. She seems to have had more experiences with women than men. I've now spanked her very, very hard (after extensive warm up), and she says she loved it. She also says she loved being at the party and being dominated there, and that when we f**ked, that was the hardest she'd ever climaxed. Is it true or flattery? I'd give it 50/50. Men need to learn BDSM.
* She says she doesn't feel sexual jealousy. We'll see about that one, because I don't think she's ever been with someone who challenges her sexual range. She has an ex she says her parents like and she doesn't, and she says she keeps denying him sex. I don't know if that's true, but I'd give it 70/30. I told her I'd do a three-way with him. He sounds like a simpin' fake friend.
* She admitted in writing to a sexual fantasy that shocked even me. I'm pretty depraved. Not as depraved as her. I like encouraging chicks to share their fantasies with me.
* We met another one of her friends, who is also quite young and who told Ms. Slav she is depressed, but she also told Ms. Slav that she is interested in sex parties. The friend showed up an hour late to our meetup, just before Ms. Slav and I needed to leave. Ms. Slav's friend is a classic example of, "When the problem is not the problem." The friend couldn't be bothered to show up on time, so we didn't get to talk about sex positivity and how to find the sex-positive community, and she's depressed because she can't connect properly to people, and she can't connect to people because she doesn't do simple things like... show up on time. In person she was pretty but underwhelming, unlike the Instagram pic Ms. Slav showed me. In the right circumstances I'd sleep with the friend or have a threesome with her, but she's not worth pursuing. She is her own greatest problem. A lot of chicks have this issue. Some guys do too, but I don't try to fuck guys, so I don't care as much about that.
I've written in places about how incoherent a lot of women are. Guys can spend hours and hours on the Internet trying to analyze behavior that is often random. There is no explanation. Accepting randomness is hard for us story-making creatures, but learning to accept it is important. Good Looking Loser is the first guy I read who emphasized the "chicks are random" fact (be careful on his website, because he's now pimping bogus supplements... don't fall for that shit). There seems to be a rand() function in female psychology.
Endlessly micro-analyzing an individual situation is often unproductive, because the answer is often "she doesn't like you enough" or "she wasn't actually available at that time" or "she just couldn't get it together." Ms. Slav said her friend was really looking forward to the meeting but that the friend also checked the time and place three times. I'm sure the friend has also jumped guys within 10 minutes of meeting them. What's the difference? It's just the friend being random. Take natural female changes due to time of month, add the random function, and you get situations that are immune to logical male analysis.
Young players need to understand this. I did not properly appreciate it when I was younger.
* Ms. Slav continues to be on time. She has her own life and seems to be fine with pursuing her own projects when I'm not around. Refreshing!
* I wish I'd been writing down all the batshit, bonkers things women have said to me over the years. I see how women are portrayed in the media and in film, then I think to my real life and see the wide gulf between them.
* Still no IUD from Ms. Slav. Am pushing that angle. I'm still not as excited about her as I really ought to be.
* The vast majority of women want to be seduced. The word "seduced" is important because it implies that she has no agency or choice in the matter. Women believe they are child-like and thus want to have whatever control they have stripped.