"Modern Love: Talking to My Fiancé About My New Girlfriend"
"Modern Love: Talking to My Fiancé About My New Girlfriend" is very blue pill, as the guy in question should NOT marry that woman unless she makes substantially more money than he does. But I don't know him and can't say whether he is doing non monogamy from the inferior or superior position. He may be a guy with good game who uses non-monogamy as a retention tool, in which case, good for him. Or he could be a guy who knows he'll lose this chick if he doesn't acquiesce, in which case he deserves the opprobrium naive Red Pill guys throw.
I don't know which he is and don't see enough in that article to gauge his situation.
That so many articles like this one appear in the mainstream media is an argument that verbalizing nonmonogamy right up front could be a viable strategy.