Lots of swings and lots of misses (FR)
[This happened before coronavirus shut the world down, but I didn't put up the story right away.]
Went to a party without a date... but I went with friends who vouched for me and functioned as dates. They brought extra girls (who weren't appealing to me, physically or intellectually/psychologically, but that happens). The girls took some drug that made them very friendly.
I knew a few girls at the party, including this one (again)... and she is now ROUGH. When I first started seeing her I'd have given her an 8... by the time I wrote about cutting her loose she was more like a low 8/high 7 and now she is like a 6... not fat, exactly, but weird rolls of stomach fat and fat legs. I saw some girl going down on her and thought "She is only 26 and looks awful." Her life is a trainwreck too, and the fall over a short period of time is a testament to the destructive power of drugs, even "legal" drugs (of the wrong kind and taken too frequently). I feel bad for her, because all of her relationships, whether with friends, lovers, roommates, etc., have been severed, often abruptly and in a difficult way, by her behavior... and she doesn't appear to understand why. I pity her. Drugs and other problems are ruining her life and career. I may check in and see if she's trying to get off them.
Met a couple who didn't know each other well and had met recently... a couple who don't know each other well and aren't officially dating means that the girl may be up for grabs (something that I don't think I thought to include in the book). The girl was somewhere between a high 6 and mid 7 but I liked her vibe... she was bouncing with excitement and pleasure when I met her, and enthusiasm is infectious, like coronavirus, but less dangerous. She's also a kinky slut, and much later I picked up her contact details, and her dates's.
Did a ton of spanking & flogging. Few people there appeared to know what they were doing with BDSM and the fact that I've developed those skills seemed to set me apart. Lots of audience, which started with me spanking my friend. Didn't seem like anyone else brought floggers.
Closest shot on goal was a girl, Alyssa, who I spanked and who LIKED pain. I spanked another girl who was super cute, with a newbie boyfriend. Great to spank but said she has high pain tolerance (she doesn't). Then her boyfriend wanted to be spanked, for some reason, to know what it was like? Not my favorite thing to do but it seemed like a moment when I ought to just go for it, so I did, and explained to him what I was doing, what I think about, how I check in with the girl, etc. So it was like half spanking, half tutorial. Couldn't tell if I was getting bi vibes off him... I hope not. But the main way people learn this stuff is peer to peer, so I did some education? Don't fully know how to interpret this, so the question marks.
Alyssa... I really worked over her ass and thighs. Long warm-up. Lots of flogging, eventually leading to full-on backhand, like a tennis player's backstroke, with a paddle. The buildup allowed her to access that part of her. Most guys rush girls too much at every level, from the first kiss to the foreplay to the f**king, when girls want guys to move like 50% slower. Not so slow as to be languid, but more deliberately than most guys go. Be assertive enough for her to know your desire but understand chicks need more time than most guys give them. Alyssa did a lot of kind of annoying topping from the bottom, but I didn't know her and so didn't call her out on it. Spent a long time working her over, and interleaving touching gently and some kissing. Very passionate kissing. After, I asked her for sex and she said no but that she wanted to see me later. Later, we went to another area and talked, then made out some. I moved her around some, which she seemed to like, and set her up to grind. It was erotic, feeling her hips move and the sharp intakes of breath as she got going. I got about half hard, which she could feel, then she backed off again, saying she wasn't into sex that night.
Some more negotiations followed and Alyssa didn't want to f**k, Although she didn't say it, she knew exactly what I was trying to do by heating her up, and she didn't want to do it and only wanted to make out. She negged me by saying that I seem "goal oriented." I laughed... she's not wrong. Didn't have a great response, honestly, because agreeing made me seem a little slimy, and the opposite wasn't true and claiming not to be isn't consisten with what she'd seen of my personality and skills. She wanted to know if I was going to stay and I was just like, "I'm tired and heading home." Maybe could have played last cock standing but I believe the gold seam was played out and produced no nuggets, just a few flakes. With Alyssa I think she knew what was up, what her strict limits were for whatever reason, and that was that. She lives out of town, so I doubt I'll see her again. Will follow up today but I'm not optimistic. I told this story to one player who said
There’s a weird negative vibe on chicks who are a “no” to f**king. It’s different from LMR. It’s like you can feel their mindset is set to No.
I lose interest pretty quickly if she is not at least open to f**king.
Part of the annoyance is when you sense on a limbic level that the purpose of her not f**king is due to a power dynamic and not because she is not ready/in the mood. It’s a huge turnoff.
I would offer a counter take on this... Alyssa wasn't open last night but might be in the future. She was a forebrain override girl, one who liked that I had met a lot of people, spanked a lot of chicks, and demonstrated social competence and BDSM competence. There weren't a lot of unoccupied cute girls. Transparently losing interest too fast is a mistake... it gives bad vibes to the girl and also f**ks up future events. I have her # and will ping her. A few weeks or months from now it could happen. She's a good person to invite to random events when I don't have anything else going on.
It's bad to get the reputation as the guy who chases girls and then does a 180 when they won't f**k right away. If the player abruptly pulls away once or twice, okay, lack of chemistry but it's an undesirable reputation. There's always the short play, in the moment, and the longer play, over time and over reputation. The discipline to make the longer play will lead to greater success, I think.
At the end, talked to a couple, the guy less hot than the girl, and the girl just gorgeous. Huge breasts on a very small and petite frame. I would've loved to f**k her. They're relatively new to the world, so I took some contact info. Unlikely to go anywhere but some seeds have been planted. She's the sort of girl who might look "okay" in street clothes and then turn out to be stunning naked.
Fair # of mismatched partners with girls much hotter than the guys.
Kinda miss the girl from the last big party, who I saw again once and has gone silent. Beautiful sexual chemistry with her, more than with anyone since Short Dancer, probably. Such quick sexual chemistry. Am I the same for her, or am I just some guy she f**ked? I'll ping again in another week but going anywhere with her is doubtful. Relationships end, so I hope I'm top of mind when/if hers does.
The last couple events I have attended without a direct date, and that is doing this on hard mode. Harder mode anyway. Bringing a date leads to a higher probability of success.
I mean to write less but the inner voice speaks too loudly.
* Chat with people.
* Demonstrate competence. I learned how to do BDSM from a combination of online tutorials and guides and in-person. If you're at an event and see someone who is doing it well, watch what they do and try to imitate it. Even ask them how they learned or what they were thinking about doing (after they're done... never interrupt. Watch but don't interrupt.)
* Play the long game.