I wonder if "Talking to Women" describes men today, too:
I have been reading a book, Talking to Women, published in 1965 and consisting of interviews with artsy Irish chicks. Many of their comments could be pulled from modern Red Pill writing. Let me take a look at some,
Sheila Rowbotham, in Promise of a Dream (2000), recalls how "little cultural space existed at this time for expressing the sexual freedoms emerging among young women of my generation. We were beginning to want relationships with men on quite new terms, yet were barely conscious of these needs."
Today men have realized that marriage is foolish and that game is better than promising fidelity. Most women scorn fidelity except from the highest-status men, who are quite rare. It is much better to help women express their sexual freedoms and desires than it is to help women have children and a family. The whole society is set up to discourage children and family... yet many guys seem not to understand this. Yet. Despite the evidence all around them. Game writers are forging ahead and discovering fresh territory.
I suggest that men now offer relationships to women on quite new terms and I am part of that effort. No commitment, no little financial offerings, take-it-or-leave-it sex. Yet it turns out that most women do not like these terms so much as they might have thought. Especially at age 30+.
If these girls have anything in common it is a belief in personal fulfilment – that a woman's life should not solely be the struggle to make men happy but more than that a progress towards the development of one's body and soul.
If a woman believes that it is not her job to make you happy, then you should think the same of her (this is the vital principle of reciprocity that underlies human affairs). Yet women as a whole may be surprised when they find out that men as a whole take the same attitude towards them. That is not a good world to live in but it seems to be the one we are heading towards.
NELL Do you think it's possible to stay with one man all your life? PAULINE I think it's possible.
What man wouldn't sign up for marriage, with a ringing endorsement like Pauline's?
NELL What do you think of the meaning of that expression 'having a good time' – what does 'have a good time' mean to you? KATHY Well, going to parties and that sort of thing, mixing with people. Different people. Mostly all your friends, but then when you go to parties, there always is somebody different there. I like parties or going swimming and that sort of thing, sport, really. I get a lot of fun out of that, going out for the day and going swimming you know, a crowd of you, and having a drink and that type of thing. NELL You prefer that really to a quiet life? A place and being in each night. KAHTY Really, yes.
Don't marry a Kathy. She was married for six years and divorced. A Kathy is for fun and sport, nothing more. Those kinds of girls have existed since forever. Many guys don't understand that the Red Pill is not new. It's quite old.
I have written extensively about non-monogamy, and here it is in 1965:
NELL Is sexual fidelity a hypocrisy that just doesn't work? FRANCES I've thought about it so much. There seem very few practical reasons for sexual fidelity in marriage – now there's no danger of putting a cuckoo in the nest. And more than that, it's a cumulative thing when the old laws break down, of people wishing to be independent, seeking desperately for their new identity.
Keep in mind however that these are artistic types for the most part, so they may not represent the body politic of women as a whole. Also, birth control is not 100% effective, even today, especially when it requires a daily pill, so that DNA testing is still wise. But Frances has a point, about how contraceptive technology and the curing of STIs weakens the need for monogamy. This is exciting to women who like having many partners and terrifying to women who want to try and lock down a top guy. He probably won't be locked down as other women will give it to him, if he is attractive and has game. What I am doing is simply a logical extension of these basic principles.
They love f**king:
NELL How important do you think sex is? ANTONIA It's vastly important to me. If I'm frustrated I'm so incapable of doing anything. I feel unloved if I'm frustrated. I love making love so much, it's one of the nicest things there is. And I so attach vast importance to it.
It's strange to me when I read guys claim sex isn't that vital to women. I think they just haven't had enough experience. Or women show the side that the woman wants the guy to see. Women segment guys even more than guys segment women.
Lots of chicks have no idea what they want:
NELL Does the idea of freedom mean anything to you? ANTONIA No, it doesn't at all. Not at the moment. Living with Ben doesn't, particularly. I've got as much freedom, more freedom than I want with Ben. I wish – this sort of business of personal freedom – I'd like him to be more possessive about me. Ont he other hand if I lived with someone who was more possessive, I'd hate it.
Chicks are incoherent and random. When I was younger I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why an individual chick had done some thing or not done some thing. Why did this chick say no to me? Why did this other, hotter chick f**k me like an animal almost immediately? There are patterns that are important for players to discern, but there is so much randomness.
The male desire algorithm is simple, as it calls for guys to f**k as many acceptable hot chicks as possible. The female desire algorithm is much more complex. Chicks often don't know that they don't know themselves. This chick, Antonia, acknowledges her own paradoxical nature, and even that is pretty random.
Guys need to be ready for the opportunities:
PADDY I think that some women they almost have to every now and then express themselves with some other man. They may not have work they're particularly interested in and they've got all sorts of frustrations boiling inside them which they can only express by giving pleasure to another man. If they're not a hundred per cent fulfilled by their own husband, what else can they do? And I can't see that this is a sin at all.
No one is a hundred per cent fulfilled by their spouse. Paddy's point, that a woman has to "express" herself "by giving pleasure to another man" is a key idea for guys: you should be ready to be that other guy. You should also not get married, as one day your lovely little wifey is going to want to express herself with another man. Though she not likely to express that to you first.
Almost all of the chicks in this book say sex is VERY IMPORTANT to them and in their relationships. If you sense a chick is uninterested in sex, chances are she is uninterested in sex with YOU and you should go find a chick who is interested in sex with you. A girl who is truly interested in sex with you and who gives no positive indicators is likely never going to be interested in sex with you, and you should quit wasting your time and go find a chick who is interested in you.
I think guys should read more material written by women; although much of it is self-serving and positioning pablum, some of it can be revealing.
The conversation has advanced much less since the 1960s than I would think. Most guys don't care, I now suspect. I don't think most guys have a really strong sense of what women really like, think, and feel. Most guys have a sense of what women want men to think, not what women actually think. Most conventional movies and TV are designed to reinforce the lie, because the truth is too disturbing to the average person.