"I Thought I Wanted to Go It Alone" Narrator: "She did not."
"I Thought I Wanted to Go It Alone," a woman writes, as if she is a snake or a lizard, rather than a human. Narrator: "She did not." No one really wants to go it alone... everyone wants to go it with someone like +2 SMV... and if that cannot be achieved... then it's time to "go it alone" as a pose. Humans are social beings and almost none of us really want to go it alone. When someone says they want to go it alone, male or female, they are almost always posturing.
This woman has the usual delusional woman problems, "What broke my state? A few things, really. I passed 35 and wanted a baby. I fell in love and was mercilessly dumped." Of course she wanted a baby, no one gives a f**k about their career accomplishments, compared with their family networks... and that goes triply for chicks. Somehow almost no one among professional women circles talks honestly about this. "Your Professional Decline Is Coming (Much) Sooner Than You Think." For chicks it's worse, cause their SMV decline starts around age 30 and accelerates by 35.
Smart chicks understand the fleeting nature of youth and beauty and focus on having a family. They might go through a sexually adventurous and experimental phase lasting a few months to a few years, but they understand that they should have a good route from maidan to mother to crone. It's not hard, and most chicks's grandmas could probably tell them what to do.
I should stop posting this kind of shit... there's so much of it... yet delusion is kind of fascinating... I think the best players understand delusion pretty well.