"I hate him:" Don't get married unless you're ready for hate
The best arguments for men not marrying come from women, like "The Married Mom Who Fantasizes About the School Principal," who writes...
Then my husband flips over, grunting beside me. The disturbance yanks me out of my fantasy. He farts. Buzzkill. I hate him.
In case you didn't know from her saying so, she hates him:
He’s snoring. He’s loud and gross. He smells bad. I hate him. I do. We’ve been married for nearly 20 years. I constantly think about moving into one of our rental properties, but I don’t for various, legitimate reasons. That, and I’m good at faking it.
Did you know that two decades of working and supporting a woman can lead her to hate you? If you don't, you've probably not met many divorced guys.
Marriage is a high-risk, low-reward proposition. Now, I don't know the guy in question, so maybe he's weak guy who naturally generates a woman's scorn. Many men haven't learned to be men, a societal-wide failure that also harms women's ability to find decent guys to marry. But, maybe he's a fine guy and his wife is just tired of mating in captivity (a book written by a woman, by the way).
This woman is heading towards divorce or at the very least affairs. When she does divorce, she'll like get half his assets, a large portion of his earnings going forward, and child support.
Why would a man agree to this state of affairs?
If he's smart, he won't.
Another golden article, "I Love My Boyfriend, But I Can’t Stop Cheating!", is a warning to men about marriage. If she's a good cheater, you might not know that she's cheating for a very long time, if ever.
I have a post coming on the new Nassim Taleb book Skin in the Game, and marriage is the ultimate institution in which women have no skin in the game and men have all the skin in the game. The only way to win such a game is not to play.
Guys may wonder why a blog that's primarily about game discusses marriage so much. The reason is easy, I'm old enough to see lots of my friends and colleagues divorcing. Divorce is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a man. Almost all the divorces are initiated by the wives, one way or another. Every marriage starts out full of hope. They end when the woman's Disney fantasy crashes against the realities of life. Many women are emotionally and psychologically immature, and thus cannot live a real marriage. They can only live a fantasy marriage. They want to GET married, not BE married.
In my view, men are better off with consensual non-monogamy in which they have a share in the action than the non-consensual kind that is currently common. This isn't a popular view, but more men should at least consider it. The only difference between many women and the "I Love My Boyfriend, But I Can’t Stop Cheating!" is that the "Can't Stop Cheating" woman is slightly more honest with herself. Relationships can't handle honesty.