(I've now incorporated this piece into the free book on how sex clubs work. If you like this piece, you'll love the book.)
There is no single way I get chicks into the group-sex or open-relationship world, because every chick is a little different and needs different calibration. “Libido Girl,” who got me into the scene, is highly unusual, and I've not met many chicks like her. Since she got me into group sex and non-monogamy, I've brought a bunch of chicks to clubs, but there's a finesse to doing it well. A chick who is super sex-positive will be different than a chick who is sex-negative or comes from a highly religious background. The default is that I don't say anything about this part of my life and experience until we've been sleeping together for a while, at least a couple weeks, and by that time she's more in my world than she is during the leadup to sex or immediate aftermath of it.
My personal vibe is also open to experience and non-judgmental, and that will make the girl more honest about what she's into and what she's done. I'm confident many chicks still lie or omit, and that's fine, but they see what I do in bed and how I talk to them. In bed I use collars, restraints, blindfolds, floggers, and paddles in bed. I like making sex tapes. To me all that stuff is normal, to the point now that I forget most chicks aren't used to a full-body, all out experience. I bring stuff out a little too quickly, leading to the, "Do you do this with every girl?" question.
(Common response (girls are boring and predictable and so I have a lot of the same conversations over and over again): "I look at sex as the ultimate experience and am with you, here, right now, and we're learning about each other. I'm figuring out what you like and respond to. We're in this together, and we're exploring." This basic suite of ideas overcomes that question, which can be a shit test but is really I think the chick being worried about me being a player and being worried about her just being another number. Which she often is… but we'll leave that to the side.)
When I'm prepping a new chick, I'll start by asking her about threesomes. What was her first threesome like? That phrasing is crucial: if a guy asks if she's had a threesome, she's less likely to admit it than if he asks how her first threesome was. Some chicks will say they haven't had one. If they have, I'll ask how'd it go? What were her partners like? If they haven't had one, I'll ask if they've fantasized about them.
Usually the girl will reciprocate and ask about my experiences, and I'll tell her about my first threesome and one or two other experiences. I emphasize the idea that a girl typically has an amazing experience because the attention is on her. Two people kissing her, two people on her neck, one one her neck another going down on her, etc. In a sexually charged environment, like being nude in bed with the chick, this is often highly arousing to her.
This will lead to a segue into going to a party or club. "I've know this sex club, and we should go." "Some people are having a sex party, and I want you to come with me." Chicks rarely say yes immediately. They'll usually have a barrage of questions about what it's like, how I got into it, what I know about it, will I have sex with another chick there. But chicks, at least chicks I'm with, rarely reject the idea outright, either. Remember that it's important for the chick to be sexually bonded before a guy brings this idea up. Sometimes I'll make the inquiry overly soon, like I did with Bike Girl. That isn't optimal, but if a guy senses a girl is deeply into him quickly, it can be done.
When I introduce the idea to a chick, I emphasize the fantasy aspect. This is about us living out her fantasies and exploring what she really likes. Most chicks, I think, have a robust fantasy life they're too scared to seek out. Evolution has bequeathed most chicks with a certain conservatism, on the surface. That's because most chicks who don't do much, still get to reproduce. Some guy will come along and seduce her or make her his, and her genes will get into the next generation.
There is actually genetic evidence for this: geneticists have found that we're descended from about eighty percent of the women who have ever reached reproductive age and about forty percent of the men. The average guy died without issue. The average chick had some babies. Chicks subconsciously know that they don't have to try and should probably not try most things on their own. This is why chicks start fewer companies and far fewer chicks become important artists or scientists. Nothing drives them out to the bleeding edge.
Chicks typically look to guys for guidance about what to do and how to behave. This is also why guys don't learn how to lead will never get their sex lives to where their sex lives should be. A lot of game is just leading a chick through the steps and into your bed. Chicks rarely take affirmative, direct actions to make their sex lives better. Instead, they wait for a guy to come along and make their lives happen.
As a younger guy, I didn't understand why chicks won't be proactive. Now I get it and have adjusted my behavior accordingly.
Most chicks are not very sexually experimental, on the surface. Many exceptions, like Libido Girl, exist, but game should target the median hot chick, and then game should be calibrated to the individual girl's temperament. A deft guy can often bring chicks into his reality and do the things with her that she'll deny to her friends and sometimes even herself. ("It's not me who's in charge, he's just making me do this.") Giving a chick plausible deniability is a good way to get her into bed. That's why no one says, "Do you want to come back to my place for sex?" It's always, "I have a bottle of wine." "Let's go watch a movie." "Let's play guitar." When the chick says, "Okay, but I'm not having sex with you," the guy says, "Who said anything about sex? It's interesting that that's on your mind." Etc., etc. Standard game things.
The first chick I took to a club, after Libido Girl introduced me, was someone who I'd met previously at a business / networking event. I'd seen her for a while, she'd broken it off (I didn't know how to handle non-monogamy then and was just getting disentangled from my co-parent) and she'd boomeranged back. I took her to some events and that's when this whole thing began to click for me, and I figured out that parties are mostly about guys who want to trade chicks and thus get lots of casual sex on "easy mode." Well, not that easy because the guy has to be attractive, socially skilled, and bring the hot chick in the first place. But if he has those elements in place, the sex part naturally flows.
I went from being taken to a party to taking other chicks in. The most interesting girl I brought is probably the one I mention here, from a couple years ago. She was a high 8 or maybe low 9 but didn't act like it, or dress like it most of the time. I think she was young enough to not fully appreciate her SMV then. She was also introverted and didn't behave in the hot young bitchy girl way, so we were uncommonly compatible. And if a guy brings in a true stunning chick, he will forever be the guy who can get hot chicks, thus opening many interesting experiences and doors.
The piece on Sex clubs, swingers, and game further illuminates these ideas, as does the free book.
Happy Fourth of July, to the Americans reading this. I'm going to a BBQ that is likely to be extremely boring (older people or kids). I'm at an age where hanging out with my chronological peers is a waste of time from a game perspective, but it's an offer and we'll see what happens.