Home Friend is stepping up? [FR]
I have been seeing less of Ms. Slav lately, and (a little) more of the girl I named "Home Friend." Ms. Slav seems to be intensely dating one or two women... which is great and all that, but not of interest to me. One of the women is in the scene and is just not that attractive or appealing to me; I've known her for years and always found her a little off, but Ms. Slav seems enchanted by her. She's not terrible looking, probably a high 6, but I don't get that kick from her. Ms. Slav seems to be a true bisexual, which is not very common. And she's having some family issues, etc. Amazing how family issues seem to crop up AFTER a couple weeks of flakiness... they never seem to precede the flakiness.
Back to the point, I got an out-of-the-blue message from Home Friend last week, and I arranged for her to come around last Sunday afternoon for some extremely intense, pleasurable sex. So far Home Friend and I have barely seen each other, except for pure sex dates. Did some drinks a while ago, before the threesomes, and then she shifted into texting me when she's horny. I've tried to up-shift her into showing up more often but failed. Home Friend also seems to know that I'm trying to fit her in among other chicks (Ms. Slav, Peaches, kind of Low-cut top girl (although she is not as hot as I'd like), one or two occasionals). Home Friend seems to want a boyfriend, but a boyfriend on her terms, which she is not getting. She is also somewhat shy and reserved, so I think the only guys she's getting are the ones who have the self-regard to pursue her vigorously. If they're pursuing her vigorously, they're probably pursuing other girls vigorously, too. Smart girls who want boyfriends/relationships learn to make the first move, as that can allow them to acquire guys who might be more loyal than the guys brave enough to chase them down and spear them.
I digress, so last Sunday she re-appeared, we f**ked, I had a blast. I'm seeing more chicks, of the wrong sort, than I would like, so there is that... but "make hay while the sun is shining," etc. I also don't have access-on-command to super young hot chicks, so when one happens along I try to prioritize her, as I did for a while w/ Ms. Slav. A guy never knows when his last really young hot chick will happen... it is conceivable that Ms. Slav and Home Friend are my last in their age brackets.
So that was last week. Home Friend came around on Saturday night... I need to write about last week and then Saturday. Last week she said I was "cold." I've heard variants on that idea before, so it's probably true... I laughed and told her that it takes a special kind of girl to really warm me up and open me up. A good response, I thought. I believe Home Friend is seeking a boyfriend and not finding one. She can find guys she doesn't like and she can find guys who will use her casual sex, but she can't combine the two.
Saturday night was cozier. I told her that I want to bring her and Ms. Slav together to a sex party. Home Friend seems to be just a little interested, but not enough for me to push it. Ms. Slav has talked to her quite a bit about group sex, and Home Friend isn't going for it. That is okay with me. Not all girls go for it. Home Friend might be more amenable in a couple years, when she has more experience. She's also away from home and does not have Ms. Slav's boldness. Or, it seems, Ms. Slav's IQ. Home Friend is a lot more normal, except for the way she is hanging out with outliers like Ms. Slav and me.
Home Friend also switched out her IUD, as she had a Mirena IUD that is smaller and narrower but slowly releases hormones, and now she has a Paragard IUD that is pure copper. It means she has heavier periods but also a stronger sex drive. That might mean I see more of her. Though it might be better for me to see less of her. It is hard to choose to do the things I need to do, when a girl like Home Friend is happy to be bent over by me.
With Home Friend, the trade off for her IUD seems to be heavier/worse periods but a return to her more natural sex cycle, so when she's ovulating she is off-the-charts horny, as seemed to happen last week. Many chicks with libido problems experience libido problems due to drugs (anti-depressants, etc.) or due to their birth control. For that reason it's important to encourage chicks, especially young and dumb chicks, to adjust their BC if the first one they try doesn't work for them.
This is also why you never know what you're going to get when you approach chicks. You may approach a chick who is feeling fat and bloated from PMS or her period. She is not interested in men at that moment. You may approach a girl who is ovulating and receptive. The same girl may be receptive one day and totally closed off two weeks later, based on nothing in your control. That's also why men need to be non-reactive to female emotional outbursts... chicks have intense feelings that many chicks are bad at controlling. If you put two combustible, emotional people together, they tend to explode and break up.
Home Friend has not been much willing to make advance plans. Probably because she is playing the field. She may also just be spacey. I think she's just using me for some light casual sex, although she seems to come quite hard and be pretty into me when we're together. She might also be holding back because she can sense me holding back.
This story might be a little disjointed because I've been writing it like one paragraph at a time, since last Sunday or Monday. Something or other keeps coming up.