Halloween party and being part of the larger group
Last-minute Halloween party that wasn't exactly for sex but had many of the characters from the scene/circuit at it. Went at the last minute when some family things fell through, Halloween not being a very family holiday. It was the sort of party that ten years ago would have thrilled me... now I'm fine doing it (this is not a whine), but I feel more take it or leave it.
Took a bit of love substance with some real friends, and the substance kept me awake later than was desirable, but it also had some of its intended effects. I see why these things are being tested in clinical settings, because they can have powerful reset properties. But my state was pretty low: lots of sex overall this week, including the day of the party, and whenever that happens, I'm a lot less social: less focused on meeting people, less focused on seducing women. Complacency sets in. Like a lot of guys, I have a "hunting" mode that makes me bolder, funnier, deeper, bouncier. More persistent though BS. And that mode was set to "off" from sufficient f**king. Guys in the game know that it all goes better when the mood is right... this isn't an excuse for failing to do the work when the work needs to be done and the mood isn't there, but it is a statement about how the game happens, which is another way of saying how people meet and get together from there. The best game doesn't look like game, etc.
Did meet some chicks and catch up with some old friends, some of them friends of convenience and situation. When younger, I felt a burning desire to f**k pretty much every acceptable girl. Don't get me wrong, I still wouldn't mind that... but priorities have shifted, or are shifting. And I understand why guys around my age coming off of years, or worse decades, of unhappy monogamy, sexless "marriages," etc. would want to f**k pretty much every acceptable girl, to feel fully alive. But... I also understand why years of short-term liaisons can begin to wear on the psyche... it can become a bit monotonous in its own way... the world changes, people are born, people pass, and I'm still asking "Tell me about a fantasy you've never shared before" and "I'm not sure you're the kind of girl who hears the call to adventure. You might be a little boring, right?" I do less cube (have not properly memorized it) and that sort of stuff but have my own common tells/patterns.
There is a gap between "outcome independence" (a concept discussed by many players) and "not giving a shit," and I feel like I have gone from striving for the first to stumbling into the second... and that shows in my (sporadic, rare) approaches. It's good to keep up the skills... today, it's the nature of relationships that a guy never knows when he'll be on the market again. So he should be prepared.
Women are capricious. The ocean's tide can be predicted, as can the motion of the planets, but not the mind of a woman. If a guy lets go, he can get dragged into the relationship underclass real fast... just look at your friends with terrible diet and exercise habits... they get what they give. If their primary partner leaves, they're f**ked, and not in the good way. Being alive today means always being alive to what will happen if she walks tomorrow. It means... it's not a bad idea to have a couple loose affiliations with women you might text if your main thing goes away.
At the party, I ran into a girl I was f**king for a while a few years ago. She seemed super young then and still seems young, although she's got to be reaching into the second half of her 20s. Totally empty headed, but in a slightly unusual way. She is too... pliant? Like, she will basically wander into bed with anyone who asks, even when she shouldn't. I tried to get her to understand value and reciprocity, without her really getting it. She would basically f**k whoever asked, which led to problems at work and among friends... she was the kind of girl who could just be escalated pretty casually into bed (or the bathroom at a bar). A girl who is not good at doing any value protection can be fine in the moment but moving past the most casual of casual f**king often doesn't work. There is a distinct gap between “sexually fun” and “doesn’t protect her value well.”
She has a pretty face and nice demeanor, but her body is basically skinny fat. She looks like she could be a tight high 8 (though not much in the boob department), then seems more like a low 7 nude. High 6, maybe. For a guy who loves a pretty face over a hot body, she might be a bit higher... I'm the opposite. No interesting story about her, cause I met her at one of the first events she attended, so my job was to look good, chitchat, then escalate, then follow up. Being in this world can blunt a player's overall game development, because, if the guy can bring in enough new girls, etc., it becomes playing on easy mode. No one gets to the later levels of a thing without trying to reach the edge of his abilities, and if you can get solid 7s on easy mode, how badly do you want to keep chasing? If you become a game obsessive you might still go... to stroke the ego, to reach the highest echelons, etc.... for myself, if I'm sated, my focus tends to move to other things. And at the clubs, a lot of filtering has been done... same with the private events... a girl enters this ecosystem seeking something... something that I have been happy to provide.
This girl was an easy come, easy go girl... we had a thing for a couple months, but she never really "got" me, while I got her quite well. There is no way to put this nicely, but there was a serious IQ and personality mismatch between us. I have dated women smarter than me... which is a fantastic experience, because I can learn a lot from them, and they offer much greater intellectual stimulation and it's possible to talk to them about work problems, ideas, etc., and get useful feedback, which most girls can't offer. This one, though... was always more than a couple steps behind me... something I'm okay with, but that kind of mismatch can grate over time... she seemed not to understand that I need to work, to prioritize my job and other issues, and I don't really know where her income came from. She didn't seem to be selling sex, and I paid close attention to that, cause pretty girls with no visible means of real support... they have a means of support between their legs... you can usually tell if you're paying attention. Her family didn't seem especially wealthy. She did live with too many other people, so maybe her costs were just low, and she lived to party. I haven't thought about her since I last saw her at a party. Some girls stick in the mind, some slip right out. The circuit can be game on easy mode.
There were fun aspects of the evening, and the love drug has the unfortunate property of making 6s more attractive. If I had been alone... I don't know... I think it's good that I wasn't, because moving my life forward means less game, not more, and advancing into the deeper levels of a relationship. I’ve been playing the first few levels of a video game too many times.
The party was fun, but a lot of the things I considered fun now feel kind of melancholy, and the things I'd considered boring, or part of the interstate on the way to fun, I'm more okay with. I'm less interested in bamboozling and more interested in deep talk, often unmediated by altering substances. Unlike some guys, I've never had a problem with them. Some people, without intoxicating substances or the intoxicating lure of sex... there is not much else there, when you try to see what their mind is made of. For a lot of women, it's hard to get to internal substance without the connection of sex first, or without substances to lower inhibition. Then it's possible to see what's there, past the layers of social defenses... arguably the game is about strategies to intelligently negate those defenses and allow people to really see what's inside. I've been just fine with bamboozling, with the game, with chasing the f**king, for a long time. Now I am... less fine.
But I am glad that I'm making charts of this world, which has been almost entirely invisible to players, from what I have seen (if I am wrong please, point out the predecessors I’ve missed: lots of guys talk about threesomes, but few talk about structuring hookups into non-monogamy partners). It seems that I have learned things and realized things that hitherto no one who thinks about the game has realized, or has spoken about. There is a pleasure in making the unknown visible to others. Game is the realization that there is a process and set of practices that can be followed in order to improve success with women. It isn't completely random; it isn't a matter of "women are weirdos;" it is a matter of recognizing systematic preferences and then acting on those preferences. Taking what had seemed mysterious and making it a system, like early entrepreneurs realized that a lot of formerly artisanal products could be made cheaply in factories powered by coal. The artisans were angry at seeing their market evaporate but the market spoke. Women hate the idea of the seduction process being illuminated, yet women love hot cool seductive guys and complain about the opposite (fat lame nervous guys). I'm extending another probe down a previously missed, unmapped branch of the game.
None of this is an argument about how other guys should live or game. It's a description of what's in my mind lately. When game or sex club experiences are in my mind and life, I report those. Otherwise... more like this. You start with game... you end up with psychology and the entire human world, if you scroll down far enough.
Not much of a field report to report.