"Glamourising the ‘Childfree Life’ Ignores Reality for Most Childless Women"
"Glamourising the ‘Childfree Life’ Ignores Reality for Most Childless Women" is obvious to me and to most observers. Most women who deny this are probably lying to themselves too.
A couple years ago I went out with a woman I knew from high school, and time had not been kind to her. I thought it was more a "old time's sake" thing, and I think she thought it was something else. In high school, I think she thought she was higher status than me, and when we saw each other I was definitely higher status than her, and dating a woman much younger than me. At some point I did something similar to what I said in, "How to drop a bomb on a group conservation."
It's not actually very smart or socially deft to say that sort of thing, because in many cases it does nothing more than alienate listeners. But if it's said with a cheeky grin and an apologetic shrug of the shoulders, it can be an incredible troll. It's also mean, when we should try to be magnanimous to those who have screwed up and know it.
There was no second meet up and as far as I know she's still single and childless. Those women have fucked up their lives, typically irredeemably, and yet feminism ensures that we cannot have an honest, society-wide conversation about this issue.