Gay guy hits on me as I walk back from coffee
I was walking back from coffee this morning when a gay guy shouted at me, "How do you do it?" I asked him, "Do what?" He basically gave me an up and down motion and was like, "THAT." I laughed and told him "practice," somewhat nonsensically, and kept walking. But it gave me a little sparkle. "Still got it!" I thought.
Obviously I'm not gay and there is absolutely nothing that that guy could have done to seduce me, but I bring this up to encourage guys who are unsatisfied with their sex and romantic lives to try daygame (this is a bit hypocritical because I have not done a huge amount of daygame... but I have done some). Many chicks will react the way I did, pleasantly, and they'll be kind of flattered, even if there is a 0% chance they will sleep with you. Many guys seem to think that chicks are out to be silently mean, cruel and judgmental. Most are not. You will get some blowouts but in my experience probably the most common reaction is a bit of confusion.
You may notice that I was a bit confused and so my response didn't really make sense, but that's okay. Some chicks will thank you for stopping them and a larger number will walk away with a smile on their face. Many women are complaining to their friends that they have no way to meet guys. Be the way. Most women won't take any real action whatsoever to improve their lives and rely on guys to direct their lives, then find themselves frustrated when no guy appears to direct them.
Be that guy.
There is an extreme shortage of good vibes in the world. Are you learning how to make them happen?